Commit 3e37d3fb by Jörg Stucke

yara >= 4.3 fix

parent 3001fbeb
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import os
import socket
from sys import exc_info
from typing import Iterable
import yara
from common_analysis_base import AnalysisPluginFile
from common_helper_files import get_dir_of_file
from packaging.version import parse as parse_version
import yara
from .version import __version__ as system_version
......@@ -14,10 +18,25 @@ logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
class FinderBase:
def get_strings_from_matches(self, matches):
result = []
for match in matches:
for item in URIFinder.eliminate_overlaps(match.strings):
return result
def get_strings_from_matches(matches):
# the desired strings are contained in the tuples at the third position in each yara match object
return [item[2].decode() for match in matches for item in URIFinder.eliminate_overlaps(match.strings)]
def _collect_strings(match: tuple[int, str, bytes] | yara.StringMatch) -> Iterable[str]:
if parse_version(yara.YARA_VERSION) >= parse_version('4.3.0'):
last_offset = -2
for instance in match.instances:
data = instance.matched_data.decode()
if instance.offset != last_offset + 1: # skip non-greedy overlaps
yield data
last_offset = instance.offset
else: # yara version < 4.3.0 -> strings are contained in the tuples at the third position
yield match[2].decode()
def get_file_content(file_path):
addopts = --pycodestyle --cov=./ -v
addopts = --cov=./ -v
......@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ setup(
'common_analysis_base @ git+',
'common_helper_files @ git+',
'yara-python >= 3.5'
'packaging >= 23.0',
'yara-python >= 3.5',
'dev': [
......@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@ class TestIpAndUrlFinder(unittest.TestCase):
results = IPFinder(self.yara_ip_rules).find_ips(self.test_string, validate=False)
expected_results = {"", "", "1234:1234:abcd:abcd:1234:1234:abcd:abcd",
self.assertEqual(set(results), expected_results)
assert set(results) == expected_results
def test_find_ipv4_addresses(self):
results = IPFinder(self.yara_ip_rules).find_ipv4_addresses(self.test_string, validate=True)
expected_results = {"", ""}
self.assertEqual(set(results), expected_results)
assert set(results) == expected_results
def test_find_ipv6_addresses(self):
results = IPFinder(self.yara_ip_rules).find_ipv6_addresses(self.test_string, validate=True)
expected_results = {"1234:1234:abcd:abcd:1234:1234:abcd:abcd", "2001:db8:0:8d3:0:8a2e:70:7344"}
self.assertEqual(set(results), expected_results)
assert set(results) == expected_results
def test_find_ips_in_file(self):
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as test_file:
......@@ -48,19 +48,19 @@ class TestIpAndUrlFinder(unittest.TestCase):
results = set(IPFinder(self.yara_ip_rules).find_ips_in_file(, validate=False))
expected_results = {"", "", "1234:1234:abcd:abcd:1234:1234:abcd:abcd"}
self.assertEqual(results, expected_results)
assert results == expected_results
def test_validate_ipv4(self):
ips = ["", "1.1.1", "a.1.1.1", ""]
valid_ips = [""]
validated_ips = IPFinder(self.yara_ip_rules)._validate_ips(ips, socket.AF_INET)
self.assertEqual(validated_ips, valid_ips)
assert validated_ips == valid_ips
def test_validate_ipv6(self):
ips = ["1234:1234:abcd:abcd:1234:1234:", "2001:db8::8d3::", "2001:db8:0:0:8d3::"]
valid_ips = ['1234:1234:abcd:abcd:1234:1234:', "2001:db8:0:0:8d3::"]
validated_ips = IPFinder(self.yara_ip_rules)._validate_ips(ips, socket.AF_INET6)
self.assertEqual(validated_ips, valid_ips)
assert validated_ips == valid_ips
def test_find_uri(self):
test_string = " " \
......@@ -68,4 +68,4 @@ class TestIpAndUrlFinder(unittest.TestCase):
test_result = set(URIFinder(self.yara_uri_rules).find_uris(test_string))
expected_result = {"", "", "",
self.assertEqual(test_result, expected_result)
assert test_result == expected_result
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