Unverified Commit ecf1b5a4 by Marcin Bury Committed by GitHub

fix info issue p2p wificam rce exploit (#815)

parent e469a801
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class Exploit(HTTPClient):
utilize the GoAhead webserver, combined with an authenticated RCE allows for
unauthenticated remote code execution.""",
'authors': (
'Pierre Kim <pierre.kim.sec@gmail.com>' # CVE-2017-8225 and others
'Pierre Kim <pierre.kim.sec@gmail.com>', # CVE-2017-8225 and others
'zh4ck <@zh4ck>', # discovery of the authenticated RCE
'casept <davids.paskevics@gmail.com>', # routesploit module
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