Commit e13bfd38 by fwkz

Fixing linting issues.

parent 03a99eac
import socket
import paramiko
from routersploit import (
......@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ class Exploit(exploits.Exploit):
__info__ = {
'name': 'Huawei HG630a Default Credentials',
'description': 'Module exploits default SSH credentials Huawei HG630a and HG630a-50 devices. If the target is vulnerable it is possible to authenticate through SSH service.',
'description': 'Module exploits default SSH credentials Huawei HG630a and HG630a-50 devices. '
'If the target is vulnerable it is possible to authenticate through SSH service.',
'authors': [
'Murat Sahin (@murtshn)', # vulnerability discovery
'Marcin Bury <marcin.bury[at]>', # routersploit module
......@@ -58,5 +59,3 @@ class Exploit(exploits.Exploit):
return False # target is not vulnerable
return True # target is vulnerable
return False # target not vulnerable
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