Commit d77f961b by fwkz

iter_modules function

parent d933773d
......@@ -3,11 +3,9 @@ import os
import sys
import traceback
import atexit
import importlib
from routersploit.exceptions import RoutersploitException
from routersploit import utils
from routersploit import modules as rsf_modules
if sys.platform == "darwin":
import gnureadline as readline
......@@ -157,9 +155,8 @@ class RoutersploitInterpreter(BaseInterpreter):
self.module_prompt_template = None
self.prompt_hostname = 'rsf'
modules_directory = rsf_modules.__path__[0]
self.modules = utils.index_modules(modules_directory)
self.main_modules_dirs = [module for module in os.listdir(modules_directory) if not module.startswith("__")]
self.modules = utils.index_modules()
self.main_modules_dirs = [module for module in os.listdir(utils.MODULES_DIR) if not module.startswith("__")]
......@@ -179,33 +176,6 @@ class RoutersploitInterpreter(BaseInterpreter):
Total module count: {modules_count}
# def load_modules(self):
# self.main_modules_dirs = [module for module in os.listdir(self.modules_directory) if not module.startswith("__")]
# self.modules = []
# self.modules_with_errors = {}
# for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.modules_directory):
# _, package, root = root.rpartition('routersploit/modules/'.replace('/', os.sep))
# root = root.replace(os.sep, '.')
# files = filter(lambda x: not x.startswith("__") and x.endswith('.py'), files)
# self.modules.extend(map(lambda x: '.'.join((root, os.path.splitext(x)[0])), files))
# exploits = map(lambda x: '.'.join([module_path.split('.', 2).pop(), x[0]]), exploits)
# for module_path in self.modules:
# print(module_path)
# try:
# module = importlib.import_module(module_path)
# except ImportError as error:
# self.modules_with_errors[module_path] = error
# else:
# klasses = inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass)
# exploits = filter(lambda x: issubclass(x[1], Exploit), klasses)
# # exploits = map(lambda x: '.'.join([module_path.split('.', 2).pop(), x[0]]), exploits)
# # self.modules.extend(exploits)
# if exploits:
# self.modules.append(module_path.split('.', 2).pop())
def __parse_prompt(self):
raw_prompt_default_template = "\001\033[4m\002{host}\001\033[0m\002 > "
raw_prompt_template = os.getenv("RSF_RAW_PROMPT", raw_prompt_default_template).replace('\\033', '\033')
......@@ -13,8 +13,11 @@ import importlib
import requests
from .exceptions import RoutersploitException
from . import modules as rsf_modules
MODULES_DIR = rsf_modules.__path__[0]
print_lock = threading.Lock()
colors = {
......@@ -25,8 +28,9 @@ colors = {
def index_modules(modules_directory):
def index_modules(modules_directory=MODULES_DIR):
""" Return list of all exploits modules """
modules = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(modules_directory):
_, package, root = root.rpartition('routersploit/modules/'.replace('/', os.sep))
......@@ -55,6 +59,18 @@ def import_exploit(path):
def iter_modules(modules_directory=MODULES_DIR):
""" Iterate over valid modules """
modules = index_modules(modules_directory)
modules = map(lambda x: "".join(['routersploit.modules.', x]), modules)
for path in modules:
yield import_exploit(path)
except RoutersploitException:
def pythonize_path(path):
""" Replace argument to valid python dotted notation.
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