Unverified Commit bea9bdef by Marcin Bury Committed by GitHub

Fix PEP8 issues (#678)

parent 4eefc7e7
......@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ class Exploit(HTTPClient):
def chain(lambdas, value):
r_chain = None
for l in lambdas:
r_chain = value = l(value)
for lambda_function in lambdas:
r_chain = value = lambda_function(value)
return r_chain
......@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ class Exploit(TCPClient):
self.leak = self.bleed()
if self.leak:
data = ""
for l in self.leak:
char = chr(l)
for leak_byte in self.leak:
char = chr(leak_byte)
if char in self.white_chars:
data += " "
elif char not in self.printable:
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