Commit 879a8cb1 by Marcin Bury

Loading module clear message - tab completion

parent fd90db35
......@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ class RoutersploitInterpreter(BaseInterpreter):
module = importlib.import_module(module_path)
self.current_module = getattr(module, 'Exploit')()
except (ImportError, AttributeError, KeyError):
utils.print_error("Error during loading '{}' module".format(utils.humanize_path(module_path)))
utils.print_error("Error '{}'. It should be valid path to the module. Use <tab> key multiple times for completion.".format(utils.humanize_path(module_path)))
def complete_use(self, text, *args, **kwargs):
......@@ -343,11 +343,11 @@ class RoutersploitInterpreter(BaseInterpreter):
module_opts = set(self.current_module.options) - target_opts
headers = ("Name", "Current settings", "Description")
utils.print_info('\nTarget options:\n')
utils.print_info('\nTarget options:')
utils.print_table(headers, *self.get_opts(*target_opts))
if module_opts:
utils.print_info('\nModule options:\n')
utils.print_info('\nModule options:')
utils.print_table(headers, *self.get_opts(*module_opts))
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