Unverified Commit 1ab8e5f8 by Marcin Bury Committed by GitHub

Adding SSDP MSEARCH module (#446)

parent ed19c564
## Description
Module sends M-SEARCH request to target and retrieve information from UPnP enabled systems.
## Verification Steps
1. Start `./rsf.py`
2. Do: `use generic/upnp/ssdp_msearch`
3. Do: `set target [TargetIP]`
4. Do: `run`
5. If target supports UPnP information are retrieved.
## Scenarios
rsf > use generic/upnp/ssdp_msearch
rsf (SSDP M-SEARCH Info Discovery) > set target
[+] target =>
rsf (SSDP M-SEARCH Info Discovery) > run
[*] Running module...
[*] | Custom/1.0 UPnP/1.0 Proc/Ver | | uuid:ec2280e5-e804-04e8-e580-22ec22e50400::upnp:rootdevice
import re
from routersploit.core.exploit import *
from routersploit.core.udp.udp_client import UDPClient
class Exploit(UDPClient):
__info__ = {
"name": "SSDP M-SEARCH Info Discovery",
"description": "Sends M-SEARCH request to target and retrieve information from UPnP "
"enabled systems.",
"authors": (
"Marcin Bury <marcin[at]threat9.com>", # routersploit module
"references": (
target = OptIP("", "Target IPv4 or IPv6")
port = OptPort(1900, "Target UPNP Port")
def run(self):
request = (
"M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
"HOST: {}:{}\r\n".format(self.target, self.port) +
"MAN: \"ssdp:discover\"\r\n" +
"MX: 2\r\n" +
"ST: upnp:rootdevice\r\n\r\n"
udp_client = self.udp_create()
self.udp_send(udp_client, request)
response = self.udp_recv(udp_client, 1024)
if response:
info = {}
regexps = {
"server": r"Server:\s*(.*?)\r\n",
"location": r"Location:\s*(.*?)\r\n",
"usn": r"USN:\s*(.*?)\r\n",
for key in regexps.keys():
res = re.findall(regexps[key], response, re.IGNORECASE)
if res:
info[key] = res[0]
info[key] = ""
print_status("{}:{} | {} | {} | {}".format(self.target, self.port, info["server"], info["location"], info["usn"]))
print_error("Target did not respond to M-SEARCH request")
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