Commit f087f0e4 by James Cropcho

it's all called 'variety' now

parent e0d3bac4
/* MongoDB Schema Analyzer
/* Variety: A MongoDB Schema Analyzer
This tool helps you get a sense of your application's schema, as well as any
outliers to that schema. Particularly useful when you inherit a codebase with
data dump and want to quickly learn how the data's structured. Also useful for
finding rare keys.
Please see for details.
Please see for details.
Released by Maypop Inc, © 2012, under the MIT License. */
print("Variety: A MongoDB Schema Analyzer")
print("Version 1.0, released 10 April 2012")
if (typeof collection === "undefined") {
throw "You have to supply a 'collection' variable, à la --eval 'var collection = \"animals\"'";
......@@ -16,7 +19,7 @@ if (typeof collection === "undefined") {
if (typeof limit === "undefined") { var limit = db[collection].count(); }
print("Using limit of " + limit);
schemaAnalyzerCanHaveChildren = function (v) {
varietyCanHaveChildren = function (v) {
var isArray = v &&
typeof v === 'object' &&
typeof v.length === 'number' &&
......@@ -24,25 +27,25 @@ schemaAnalyzerCanHaveChildren = function (v) {
var isObject = typeof v === 'object';
return isArray || isObject;
} { _id : "schemaAnalyzerCanHaveChildren", value : schemaAnalyzerCanHaveChildren } ); { _id : "varietyCanHaveChildren", value : varietyCanHaveChildren } );
schemaAnalyzerMapRecursive = function(parentKey, keys) {
varietyMapRecursive = function(parentKey, keys) {
for (var key in keys) {
var value = keys[key];
key = (parentKey + "." + key).replace(/\.\d+/g,'.XX');
emit({key : key}, {type: schemaAnalyzerTypeOf(value)});
emit({key : key}, {type: varietyTypeOf(value)});
if (schemaAnalyzerCanHaveChildren(value)) {
schemaAnalyzerMapRecursive(key, value);
if (varietyCanHaveChildren(value)) {
varietyMapRecursive(key, value);
}{_id: "schemaAnalyzerMapRecursive", value: schemaAnalyzerMapRecursive});{_id: "varietyMapRecursive", value: varietyMapRecursive});
schemaAnalyzerTypeOf = function(thing) {
if (typeof thing === "undefined") { throw "schemaAnalyzerTypeOf() requires an argument"; }
varietyTypeOf = function(thing) {
if (typeof thing === "undefined") { throw "varietyTypeOf() requires an argument"; }
if (typeof thing !== "object") {
return typeof thing;
......@@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ schemaAnalyzerTypeOf = function(thing) {
}{_id: "schemaAnalyzerTypeOf", value: schemaAnalyzerTypeOf});{_id: "varietyTypeOf", value: varietyTypeOf});
map = function() {
var keys = this;
......@@ -71,10 +74,10 @@ map = function() {
// items in an array. -JC
key = key.replace(/\.\d+/g,'.XX');
emit({key : key}, {type: schemaAnalyzerTypeOf(value)});
emit({key : key}, {type: varietyTypeOf(value)});
if (schemaAnalyzerCanHaveChildren(value)) {
schemaAnalyzerMapRecursive(key, value);
if (varietyCanHaveChildren(value)) {
varietyMapRecursive(key, value);
......@@ -97,12 +100,12 @@ var resultsCollectionName = collection + "Keys";
db[collection].mapReduce(map, reduce, {
out: {
replace : resultsCollectionName,
db : "schemaAnalyzerResults"},
db : "varietyResults"},
limit : limit,
sort : {_id: -1},
scope : { limit : limit }});
var resultsDB = db.getMongo().getDB("schemaAnalyzerResults");
var resultsDB = db.getMongo().getDB("varietyResults");
var numDocuments = db[collection].count();
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