Commit ec698098 by Wes Freeman

fixing several types of jshint suggestions, but left a few in .jshintrc

parent 23d718db
"camelcase": false,
"sub": true
......@@ -8,14 +8,13 @@ finding rare keys.
Please see for details.
Released by Maypop Inc, © 2012-2014, under the MIT License. */
print("Variety: A MongoDB Schema Analyzer");
print("Version 1.3.0, released 30 May 2014");
print('Variety: A MongoDB Schema Analyzer');
print('Version 1.3.0, released 30 May 2014');
var dbs = [];
var emptyDbs = [];
if (typeof db_name === "string") {
if (typeof db_name === 'string') {
db = db.getMongo().getDB( db_name );
......@@ -30,74 +29,74 @@ db.adminCommand('listDatabases').databases.forEach(function(d){
if (emptyDbs.indexOf(db.getName()) !== -1) {
throw "The database specified ("+ db +") is empty.\n"+
"Possible database options are: " + dbs.join(", ") + ".";
throw 'The database specified ('+ db +') is empty.\n'+
'Possible database options are: ' + dbs.join(', ') + '.';
if (dbs.indexOf(db.getName()) === -1) {
throw "The database specified ("+ db +") does not exist.\n"+
"Possible database options are: " + dbs.join(", ") + ".";
throw 'The database specified ('+ db +') does not exist.\n'+
'Possible database options are: ' + dbs.join(', ') + '.';
var collNames = db.getCollectionNames().join(", ");
if (typeof collection === "undefined") {
throw "You have to supply a 'collection' variable, à la --eval 'var collection = \"animals\"'.\n"+
"Possible collection options for database specified: " + collNames + ".\n"+
"Please see for details.";
var collNames = db.getCollectionNames().join(', ');
if (typeof collection === 'undefined') {
throw 'You have to supply a \'collection\' variable, à la --eval \'var collection = "animals"\'.\n'+
'Possible collection options for database specified: ' + collNames + '.\n'+
'Please see for details.';
if (db[collection].count() === 0) {
throw "The collection specified (" + collection + ") in the database specified ("+ db +") does not exist or is empty.\n"+
"Possible collection options for database specified: " + collNames + ".";
throw 'The collection specified (' + collection + ') in the database specified ('+ db +') does not exist or is empty.\n'+
'Possible collection options for database specified: ' + collNames + '.';
if (typeof query === "undefined") { var query = {}; }
print("Using query of " + tojson(query));
if (typeof query === 'undefined') { var query = {}; }
print('Using query of ' + tojson(query));
if (typeof limit === "undefined") { var limit = db[collection].find(query).count(); }
print("Using limit of " + limit);
if (typeof limit === 'undefined') { var limit = db[collection].find(query).count(); }
print('Using limit of ' + limit);
if (typeof maxDepth === "undefined") { var maxDepth = 99; }
print("Using maxDepth of " + maxDepth);
if (typeof maxDepth === 'undefined') { var maxDepth = 99; }
print('Using maxDepth of ' + maxDepth);
if (typeof sort === "undefined") { var sort = {_id: -1}; }
print("Using sort of " + tojson(sort));
if (typeof sort === 'undefined') { var sort = {_id: -1}; }
print('Using sort of ' + tojson(sort));
varietyTypeOf = function(thing) {
if (typeof thing === "undefined") { throw "varietyTypeOf() requires an argument"; }
if (typeof thing === 'undefined') { throw 'varietyTypeOf() requires an argument'; }
if (typeof thing !== "object") {
if (typeof thing !== 'object') {
// the messiness below capitalizes the first letter, so the output matches
// the other return values below. -JC
return (typeof thing)[0].toUpperCase() + (typeof thing).slice(1);
else {
if (thing && thing.constructor === Array) {
return "Array";
return 'Array';
else if (thing === null) {
return "null";
return 'null';
else if (thing instanceof Date) {
return "Date";
return 'Date';
else if (thing instanceof ObjectId) {
return "ObjectId";
return 'ObjectId';
else if (thing instanceof BinData) {
var binDataTypes = {};
binDataTypes[0x00] = "generic";
binDataTypes[0x01] = "function";
binDataTypes[0x02] = "old";
binDataTypes[0x03] = "UUID";
binDataTypes[0x05] = "MD5";
binDataTypes[0x80] = "user";
return "BinData-" + binDataTypes[thing.subtype()];
binDataTypes[0x00] = 'generic';
binDataTypes[0x01] = 'function';
binDataTypes[0x02] = 'old';
binDataTypes[0x03] = 'UUID';
binDataTypes[0x05] = 'MD5';
binDataTypes[0x80] = 'user';
return 'BinData-' + binDataTypes[thing.subtype()];
else {
return "Object";
return 'Object';
......@@ -115,35 +114,35 @@ function serializeDoc(doc, maxDepth){
v instanceof ObjectId ||
v instanceof BinData;
return !specialObject && !isArray && isObject;
function serialize(document, parentKey, maxDepth){
for(var key in document){
//skip over inherited properties such as string, length, etch
if(!(document.hasOwnProperty(key))) {
var value = document[key];
//objects are skipped here and recursed into later
//if(typeof value != "object")
//if(typeof value != 'object')
result[parentKey+key] = value;
//it's an object, recurse...only if we haven't reached max depth
if(isHash(value) && (maxDepth > 0)){
serialize(value, parentKey+key+".",maxDepth-1);
if(isHash(value) && (maxDepth > 0)) {
serialize(value, parentKey+key+'.',maxDepth-1);
serialize(doc, "", maxDepth)
return result
serialize(doc, '', maxDepth);
return result;
var interimResults = {} //hold results here until converted to final format
var interimResults = {}; //hold results here until converted to final format
// main cursor
db[collection].find(query).sort(sort).limit(limit).forEach(function(obj) {
flattened = serializeDoc(obj, maxDepth);
for (key in flattened){
for (var key in flattened){
var value = flattened[key];
var valueType = varietyTypeOf(value);
if(!(key in interimResults)){ //if it's a new key we haven't seen yet
......@@ -162,7 +161,7 @@ db[collection].find(query).sort(sort).limit(limit).forEach(function(obj) {
var varietyResults = {};
//now convert the interimResults into the proper format
for(key in interimResults){
for(var key in interimResults){
var entry = interimResults[key];
var newEntry = {};
newEntry['_id'] = {'key':key};
......@@ -172,11 +171,11 @@ for(key in interimResults){
varietyResults[key] = newEntry;
var resultsDB = db.getMongo().getDB("varietyResults");
var resultsCollectionName = collection + "Keys";
var resultsDB = db.getMongo().getDB('varietyResults');
var resultsCollectionName = collection + 'Keys';
// replace results collection
print("creating results collection: "+resultsCollectionName);
print('creating results collection: '+resultsCollectionName);
for(var result in varietyResults) {
......@@ -184,22 +183,22 @@ for(var result in varietyResults) {
var numDocuments = db[collection].count();
print("removing leaf arrays in results collection, and getting percentages");
print('removing leaf arrays in results collection, and getting percentages');
resultsDB[resultsCollectionName].find({}).forEach(function(key) {
var keyName = key._id.key;
// We throw away keys which end in an array index, since they are not useful
// for our analysis. (We still keep the key of their parent array, though.) -JC
if(keyName.match(/\.XX$/)) {
resultsDB[resultsCollectionName].remove({ "_id" : key._id});
resultsDB[resultsCollectionName].remove({ '_id' : key._id});
if(keyName.match(/\.XX/)) {
// exists query checks for embedded values for an array
// ie. match {arr:[{x:1}]} with {"arr.x":{$exists:true}}
// ie. match {arr:[{x:1}]} with {'arr.x':{$exists:true}}
// just need to pull out .XX in this case
keyName = keyName.replace(/.XX/g,"");
keyName = keyName.replace(/.XX/g,'');
// we don't need to set it if limit isn't being used. (it's set above.)
if(limit < numDocuments) {
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