Commit 6a908273 by Tomas Dvorak

ES6 and ES7 features in tests (import, export, async & await)

parent bf42b642
"presets": ["es2015" ]
"presets": ["es2015", "stage-0"]
module.exports = {
"parser": "babel-eslint",
"env": {
"mongo": true,
"node": true,
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"scripts": {
"lint": "node_modules/.bin/eslint variety.js spec",
"lint:fix": "node_modules/.bin/eslint variety.js spec --fix",
"test": "node_modules/.bin/mocha --compilers js:babel-core/register --recursive --reporter spec --timeout 15000 spec",
"test": "node_modules/.bin/mocha --compilers js:babel-core/register --require babel-polyfill --recursive --reporter spec --timeout 15000 spec",
"test:docker": "./",
"travis-ci": "npm run lint && npm run test:docker"
......@@ -30,11 +30,13 @@
"homepage": "",
"devDependencies": {
"babel-core": "^6.7.2",
"babel-eslint": "^6.0.2",
"babel-polyfill": "^6.7.4",
"babel-preset-es2015": "^6.6.0",
"babel-preset-stage-0": "^6.5.0",
"child-process-promise": "^1.1.0",
"eslint": "^2.4.0",
"mocha": "^2.4.5",
"mongodb": "^2.1.7",
"q": "^1.4.1"
"mongodb": "^2.1.7"
const assert = require('assert');
const Tester = require('./utils/Tester.js');
import assert from 'assert';
import Tester from './utils/Tester.js';
const test = new Tester('test', 'users');
const sampleData = require('./assets/SampleData');
const expectedAscii = require('./assets/ExpectedAscii');
import sampleData from './assets/SampleData';
import expectedAscii from './assets/ExpectedAscii';
describe('Basic Analysis', () => {
beforeEach(() => test.init(sampleData));
afterEach(() => test.cleanUp());
it('should return ASCII results', () => {
return test.runAnalysis({collection:'users'}, true).then(output => {
it('should return ASCII results', async () => {
const output = await test.runAnalysis({collection:'users'}, true);
assert.equal(output, expectedAscii);
it('should return JSON results', () => {
return test.runJsonAnalysis({collection:'users'}, true)
.then(results => {
it('should return JSON results', async () => {
const results = await test.runJsonAnalysis({collection:'users'}, true);
results.validate('_id', 5, 100.0, {ObjectId: 5});
results.validate('name', 5, 100.0, {String: 5});
results.validate('bio', 3, 60.0, {String: 3});
......@@ -30,5 +26,4 @@ describe('Basic Analysis', () => {
results.validate('someBinData', 1, 20.0, {'BinData-generic': 1});
results.validate('someWeirdLegacyKey', 1, 20.0, {String: 1});
const assert = require('assert');
const Tester = require('./utils/Tester.js');
const test = new Tester('test', 'users');
import assert from 'assert';
import Tester from './utils/Tester.js';
import sampleData from './assets/SampleData';
const sampleData = require('./assets/SampleData');
const test = new Tester('test', 'users');
const pattern = /^Found new key type "(.{1,})" type "(.{1,})"$/g;
const expectedLines = [
......@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ const expectedLines = [
describe('Continuous logging', () => {
describe('Continuous logging', async () => {
beforeEach(() => test.init(sampleData));
afterEach(() => test.cleanUp());
it('should log every new key', () => {
return test.runAnalysis({collection:'users', logKeysContinuously:true}).then(output => {
it('should log every new key', async () => {
const output = await test.runAnalysis({collection:'users', logKeysContinuously:true});
var filteredOutput = output
.filter(line => line.match(pattern));
......@@ -35,5 +35,4 @@ describe('Continuous logging', () => {
assert.ok(found, `Expected line '${expectedLine}' not found in Variety output`);
const Binary = require('mongodb').Binary;
const Tester = require('./utils/Tester.js');
import { Binary } from 'mongodb';
import Tester from './utils/Tester.js';
const test = new Tester('test', 'users');
const crazyObject = {
......@@ -18,9 +18,8 @@ describe('Data type recognition', () => {
beforeEach(() => test.init([crazyObject]));
afterEach(() => test.cleanUp());
it('should recognize all supported data types', () => {
return test.runJsonAnalysis({collection:'users'}, true)
.then(results => {
it('should recognize all supported data types', async () => {
const results = await test.runJsonAnalysis({collection:'users'}, true);
results.validate('_id', 1, 100.0, {ObjectId: 1});
results.validate('key_string', 1, 100.0, {String: 1});
results.validate('key_number', 1, 100.0, {Number: 1});
......@@ -30,5 +29,4 @@ describe('Data type recognition', () => {
results.validate('key_object', 1, 100.0, {Object: 1});
results.validate('key_null', 1, 100.0, {null: 1}); // TODO: why has 'null' first letter lowercase, unlike all other types?
const Tester = require('./utils/Tester.js');
import Tester from './utils/Tester.js';
import sampleData from './assets/SampleData';
const test = new Tester('test', 'users');
const sampleData = require('./assets/SampleData');
describe('Limited results count analysis', () => {
beforeEach(() => test.init(sampleData));
afterEach(() => test.cleanUp());
it('should analyze only first item', () => {
it('should analyze only first item', async () => {
// limit=1 without other params selects the last inserted document (see sampleData)
// it should equals {name: "Jim", someBinData: new BinData(2,"1234")}
return test.runJsonAnalysis({collection:'users', limit:1}).then(results => {
const results = await test.runJsonAnalysis({collection:'users', limit:1});
results.validate('_id', 1, 100.0, {ObjectId:1});
results.validate('name', 1, 100.0, {String:1});
results.validate('someBinData', 1, 100.0, {'BinData-generic':1});
it('should analyze all and compute real percentages', () => {
return test.runJsonAnalysis({collection:'users', limit:10}).then(results => {
it('should analyze all and compute real percentages', async () => {
const results = await test.runJsonAnalysis({collection:'users', limit:10});
// limit is set to higher number, that the actual number of documents in collection
// analysis should compute percentages based on the real number of documents, not on the
// number provided in the limit var.
......@@ -31,5 +31,4 @@ describe('Limited results count analysis', () => {
results.validate('someBinData', 1, 20.0, {'BinData-generic': 1});
results.validate('someWeirdLegacyKey', 1, 20.0, {String: 1});
const Tester = require('./utils/Tester.js');
import Tester from './utils/Tester.js';
const test = new Tester('test', 'users');
describe('Max-depth-limited analysis', () => {
......@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ describe('Max-depth-limited analysis', () => {
beforeEach(() => test.init([{name:'Walter', someNestedObject:{a:{b:{c:{d:{e:1}}}}}}]));
afterEach(() => test.cleanUp());
it('should return all keys', () => {
return test.runJsonAnalysis({collection:'users'}).then(results => {
it('should return all keys', async () => {
const results = await test.runJsonAnalysis({collection:'users'});
......@@ -20,10 +20,9 @@ describe('Max-depth-limited analysis', () => {
results.validate('someNestedObject.a.b.c.d', 1, 100.0, {Object:1});
results.validate('someNestedObject.a.b.c.d.e', 1, 100.0, {Number:1});
it('should return only first 3 levels', () => {
return test.runJsonAnalysis({collection:'users', maxDepth:3}).then(results => {
it('should return only first 3 levels', async () => {
const results = await test.runJsonAnalysis({collection:'users', maxDepth:3});
......@@ -33,5 +32,4 @@ describe('Max-depth-limited analysis', () => {
results.validate('someNestedObject.a', 1, 100.0, {Object:1});
results.validate('someNestedObject.a.b', 1, 100.0, {Object:1});
const assert = require('assert');
const Tester = require('./utils/Tester.js');
import assert from 'assert';
import Tester from './utils/Tester.js';
import sampleData from './assets/SampleData';
const test = new Tester('test', 'users');
const sampleData = require('./assets/SampleData');
const parseParams = (output) => {
return output
......@@ -16,10 +17,9 @@ describe('Parameters parsing', () => {
beforeEach(() => test.init(sampleData));
afterEach(() => test.cleanUp());
it('should parse default params', () => {
return test.runAnalysis({collection:'users'})
.then(params => {
it('should parse default params', async () => {
const results = await test.runAnalysis({collection:'users'});
const params = parseParams(results);
assert.equal(params.collection, 'users');
assert.deepEqual(params.query, {});
assert.equal(params.limit, 5);
......@@ -33,9 +33,8 @@ describe('Parameters parsing', () => {
assert.equal(params.resultsPass, null);
assert.deepEqual(params.plugins, []);
it('should parse restricted results', () => {
it('should parse restricted results', async () => {
const criteria = {
......@@ -45,23 +44,22 @@ describe('Parameters parsing', () => {
limit: 2
return test.runAnalysis(criteria)
.then(params => {
const results = await test.runAnalysis(criteria);
const params = parseParams(results);
assert.equal(params.limit, 2);
assert.equal(params.maxDepth, 5);
assert.deepEqual(params.sort, {name:1});
assert.deepEqual(params.query, {name:'Harry'});
it('should recognize unknown collection', () => {
return test.runAnalysis({collection:'--unknown--'})
.then(() => {throw new Error('Should fail and be handled in catch branch');})
.catch(err => {
it('should recognize unknown collection', async () => {
try {
await test.runAnalysis({collection:'--unknown--'});
throw new Error('Should fail and be handled in catch branch');
} catch(err) {
assert.ok(err.code > 0);
assert.ok(err.stdout.indexOf('The collection specified (--unknown--) in the database specified (test) does not exist or is empty.') > -1);
const assert = require('assert');
const Tester = require('./utils/Tester.js');
import assert from 'assert';
import Tester from './utils/Tester.js';
import sampleData from './assets/SampleData';
const test = new Tester('test', 'users');
const sampleData = require('./assets/SampleData');
describe('Persistence of results', () => {
beforeEach(() => test.init(sampleData));
afterEach(() => test.cleanUp());
it('should persist results into varietyResults DB', () => {
return test.runAnalysis({collection:'users', persistResults: true}, true)
.then(() => test.getDb('varietyResults'))
.then((db) => db.collection('usersKeys').find().toArray())
.then((arr) => {
it('should persist results into varietyResults DB', async () => {
await test.runAnalysis({collection:'users', persistResults: true}, true);
const db = await test.getDb('varietyResults');
const arr = await db.collection('usersKeys').find().toArray();
assert.equal(arr.length, 7);
let keys = => it._id.key);
const keys = => it._id.key);
assert.deepEqual(keys, ['_id', 'name', 'bio', 'birthday', 'pets', 'someBinData', 'someWeirdLegacyKey']);
const assert = require('assert');
const Tester = require('./utils/Tester.js');
const path = require('path');
const test = new Tester('test', 'users');
import assert from 'assert';
import Tester from './utils/Tester.js';
import { resolve, join } from 'path';
import sampleData from './assets/SampleData';
const sampleData = require('./assets/SampleData');
const test = new Tester('test', 'users');
const expectedOutput = `
......@@ -16,24 +16,22 @@ someBinData|BinData-generic|1|20
const getPluginPath = () => path.resolve(path.join(__dirname , 'assets', 'csvplugin.js'));
const getPluginPath = () => resolve(join(__dirname , 'assets', 'csvplugin.js'));
describe('Plugins', () => {
beforeEach(() => test.init(sampleData));
afterEach(() => test.cleanUp());
it('should load plugin and modify output', () => {
return test.runAnalysis({collection:'users', plugins: getPluginPath()}, true).then(output => {
it('should load plugin and modify output', async () => {
const output = await test.runAnalysis({collection:'users', plugins: getPluginPath()}, true);
assert.equal(output, expectedOutput);
it('should read additional plugin params', () => {
return test.runAnalysis({collection:'users', plugins: getPluginPath() + '|delimiter=;'}, true).then(output => {
it('should read additional plugin params', async () => {
const output = await test.runAnalysis({collection:'users', plugins: getPluginPath() + '|delimiter=;'}, true);
const expectedWithSeparator = expectedOutput.replace(/\|/g, ';');
assert.equal(output, expectedWithSeparator);
const Tester = require('./utils/Tester.js');
import Tester from './utils/Tester.js';
import sampleData from './assets/SampleData';
const test = new Tester('test', 'users');
const sampleData = require('./assets/SampleData');
describe('Query-limited analysis', () => {
beforeEach(() => test.init(sampleData));
afterEach(() => test.cleanUp());
it('should return only filtered values', () => {
return test.runJsonAnalysis({collection:'users', query:{birthday:{$exists: true}}}).then(results => {
it('should return only filtered values', async () => {
const results = await test.runJsonAnalysis({collection:'users', query:{birthday:{$exists: true}}});
results.validate('_id', 2, 100.0, {ObjectId: 2});
results.validate('birthday', 2, 100.0, {Date: 2});
......@@ -17,5 +16,4 @@ describe('Query-limited analysis', () => {
results.validate('bio', 1, 50.0, {String: 1});
results.validate('pets', 1, 50.0, {String: 1});
const Tester = require('./utils/Tester.js');
const test = new Tester('test', 'users');
import Tester from './utils/Tester.js';
import sampleData from './assets/SampleData';
const sampleData = require('./assets/SampleData');
const test = new Tester('test', 'users');
describe('Sorted-data analysis', () => {
beforeEach(() => test.init(sampleData));
afterEach(() => test.cleanUp());
it('should not exclude any results', () => {
return test.runJsonAnalysis({collection:'users', sort:{name:-1}}).then(results => {
it('should not exclude any results', async () => {
const results = await test.runJsonAnalysis({collection:'users', sort:{name:-1}});
results.validate('_id', 5, 100.0, {ObjectId: 5});
results.validate('name', 5, 100.0, {String: 5});
......@@ -19,9 +19,8 @@ describe('Sorted-data analysis', () => {
results.validate('someBinData', 1, 20.0, {'BinData-generic': 1});
results.validate('someWeirdLegacyKey', 1, 20.0, {String: 1});
it('should sort and apply limit', () => {
it('should sort and apply limit', async () => {
const criteria = {
......@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ describe('Sorted-data analysis', () => {
// Together with applying limit 1, Tom is the only result in analysis. That gives us chance to assume keys and verify
// that ordering is correct.
// {name: "Tom", bio: "A nice guy.", pets: ["monkey", "fish"], someWeirdLegacyKey: "I like Ike!"}
return test.runJsonAnalysis(criteria).then(results => {
const results = await test.runJsonAnalysis(criteria);
results.validate('_id', 1, 100.0, {ObjectId: 1});
results.validate('name', 1, 100.0, {String: 1});
......@@ -40,5 +39,4 @@ describe('Sorted-data analysis', () => {
results.validate('pets', 1, 100.0, {Array: 1});
results.validate('someWeirdLegacyKey', 1, 100.0, {String: 1});
const Tester = require('./utils/Tester.js');
import Tester from './utils/Tester.js';
const test = new Tester('test', 'users');
const sampleData = [
......@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ describe('Unnamed object analysis', () => {
beforeEach(() => test.init(sampleData));
afterEach(() => test.cleanUp());
it('should handle keys of unnamed object', () => {
return test.runJsonAnalysis({collection:'users'}, true)
.then(results => {
it('should handle keys of unnamed object', async () => {
const results = await test.runJsonAnalysis({collection:'users'}, true);
results.validate('_id', 2, 100.0, {ObjectId: 2});
results.validate('title', 2, 100.0, {String: 2});
......@@ -27,5 +27,4 @@ describe('Unnamed object analysis', () => {
results.validate('comments.XX.body', 2, 100.0, {String: 2, Number:1});
results.validate('comments.XX.visible', 1, 50.0, {Boolean: 1});
module.exports =`
export default `
| key | types | occurrences | percents |
var Binary = require('mongodb').Binary;
import { Binary } from 'mongodb';
module.exports = [{
export default [{
'name': 'Tom',
'bio': 'A nice guy.',
'pets': ['monkey', 'fish'],
'use strict';
const assert = require('assert');
import { equal, deepEqual } from 'assert';
class JsonValidator {
export default class JsonValidator {
constructor(results) {
this.results = results;
validate(key, totalOccurrences, percentContaining, types) {
let row = this.results.filter(item => item._id.key === key)[0];
const row = this.results.filter(item => item._id.key === key)[0];
if(typeof row === 'undefined') {
throw new Error(`Key '${key}' is not present in results`);
assert.equal(row.totalOccurrences, totalOccurrences, `TotalOccurrences of key ${key} does not match`);
assert.equal(row.percentContaining, percentContaining, `PercentContaining of key ${key} does not match`);
assert.deepEqual(row.value.types, types, `Types of key ${key} do not match`);
equal(row.totalOccurrences, totalOccurrences, `TotalOccurrences of key ${key} does not match`);
equal(row.percentContaining, percentContaining, `PercentContaining of key ${key} does not match`);
deepEqual(row.value.types, types, `Types of key ${key} do not match`);
validateResultsCount(count) {
assert.equal(this.results.length, count, 'Total count of results does not match expected count.');
equal(this.results.length, count, 'Total count of results does not match expected count.');
module.exports = JsonValidator;
'use strict';
const exec = require('child-process-promise').exec;
import { exec } from 'child-process-promise';
const execute = (database, credentials, args, script, quiet, port) => {
let commands = ['mongo'];
export default async (database, credentials, args, script, quiet, port) => {
const commands = ['mongo'];
......@@ -33,10 +33,6 @@ const execute = (database, credentials, args, script, quiet, port) => {
return exec(commands.join(' '))
.then(result => result.stdout.trim());
module.exports = {
const result = await exec(commands.join(' '));
return result.stdout.trim();
'use strict';
const path = require('path');
const Q = require('q');
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const shell = require('./MongoShell');
const JsonValidator = require('./JsonValidator');
import { resolve, join } from 'path';
import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb';
import execute from './MongoShell';
import JsonValidator from './JsonValidator';
const mongodb_port = process.env.MONGODB_PORT || 27017;
const default_url = `mongodb://localhost:${mongodb_port}/test?autoReconnect=true`;
class Tester {
export default class Tester {
constructor(databaseName, collectionName) {
this.databaseName = databaseName;
this.collectionName = collectionName;
connect() {
return Q.nfcall(MongoClient.connect, default_url)
.then((connection) => {
async connect() {
const connection = await MongoClient.connect(default_url);
this.connection = connection;
this.coll = connection.db(this.databaseName).collection(this.collectionName);
return connection;
init(initialData) {
return this.connect()
.then(() => this.coll.deleteMany())
.then(() => this.coll.insertMany(initialData))
.then(() => this.connection);
async init(initialData) {
var connection = await this.connect();
await this.coll.deleteMany();
await this.coll.insertMany(initialData);
return connection;
cleanUp() {
return this.coll.deleteMany()
.then(() => this.connection.close());
async cleanUp() {
await this.coll.deleteMany();
await this.connection.close();
getDb(dbName) {
return Q(this.connection.db(dbName));
return this.connection.db(dbName);
getVarietyPath() {
return path.resolve(path.join(__dirname , '..', '..', 'variety.js'));
return resolve(join(__dirname , '..', '..', 'variety.js'));
runJsonAnalysis(options) {
async runJsonAnalysis(options) {
options.outputFormat = 'json';
return this.runAnalysis(options, true)
.then(data => new JsonValidator(data));
const result = await this.runAnalysis(options, true);
return new JsonValidator(JSON.parse(result));
......@@ -60,8 +56,6 @@ class Tester {
str.push(`var ${key}=${value}`);
return shell.execute(this.database, null, '"' + str.join(';') + '"', this.getVarietyPath(), quiet, mongodb_port);
return execute(this.database, null, '"' + str.join(';') + '"', this.getVarietyPath(), quiet, mongodb_port);
module.exports = Tester;
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