Commit f0a45644 by Craig Heffner

Added guid type field (Python2 only)

parent 78f22c77
......@@ -143,6 +143,12 @@ class SignatureLine(object):
self.condition = '='
self.value = parts[2]
# If a GUID was specified, convert it to a string and treat the
# signature as a string from here on out.
if self.type == 'guid':
self.value = self._guid2str(self.value)
self.type = 'string'
# If this is a wildcard value, explicitly set self.value to None
if self.value == 'x':
self.value = None
......@@ -256,6 +262,42 @@ class SignatureLine(object):
self.format = ""
def _guid2str(self, guid):
Converts a GUID formatted string to a raw byte string in the appropriate endianess.
string = ""
# Loop through each hyphen separated section of the GUID string
# e.g., "7A9354D9-0468-444A-81CE0BF617D890D" => ['7A9354D9', '0468', '444A', '81CE0BF617D890D']
guid_parts = guid.split('-')
for n in range(0, len(guid_parts)):
guid_part = guid_parts[n]
# Parse out each 2 byte value from the guid_part string,
# e.g., "0A1034" => ["0A", "10", "34"]
guid_bytes = [guid_part[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(guid_part), 2)]
# If guid is stored little endian, flip the byte order of all parts
# except for the last eight bytes:
# typedef struct {
# unsigned long Data1;
# unsigned short Data2;
# unsigned short Data3;
# byte Data4[8];
# } GUID;
if self.endianess == '<' and n != (len(guid_parts)-1):
guid_bytes = [x for x in reversed(guid_bytes)]
# Convert each ASCII hex byte to a character and append it to self.value
for guid_byte in guid_bytes:
string += chr(int(guid_byte, 16))
#import binascii
#print ("Converted '%s' => '%s'" % (guid, binascii.hexlify(binwalk.core.compat.str2bytes(string))))
return string
class Signature(object):
Class to hold signature data and generate signature regular expressions.
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