Commit e6916e06 by devttys0

Updated to properly handle segmented IDB data

parent 3550ce17
......@@ -69,14 +69,40 @@ class IDBFileIO(io.FileIO):
return super(IDBFileIO, self).read(n)
data = ''
start_n = n
start_idb_pos = self.idb_pos
read_count = 0
filler_count = 0
# Loop to read n bytes of data across IDB segments, filling
# segment gaps with NULL bytes.
while n and self.idb_pos <= self.idb_end:
# This generally assumes 8-bit bytes
data += chr(idc.Byte(self.idb_pos))
segment = idaapi.getseg(self.idb_pos)
if not segment:
filler_count += 1
self.idb_pos += 1
n -= 1
if filler_count:
data += "\x00" * filler_count
filler_count = 0
if (self.idb_pos + n) > segment.endEA:
read_count = segment.endEA - self.idb_pos
read_count = n
data += idc.GetManyBytes(self.idb_pos, read_count)
except TypeError as e:
# This happens when trying to read from uninitialized segments (e.g., .bss)
data += "\x00" * read_count
n -= read_count
self.idb_pos += read_count
if filler_count:
data += "\x00" * filler_count
filler_count = 0
return data
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