Commit aa92a63f by devttys0

Updated required install packages in

parent d67a78da
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ $ (cd capstone-2.1.2/bindings/python && sudo python ./ install)
Binwalk relies on multiple external utilties in order to automatically extract/decompress files and data:
$ sudo apt-get install mtd-utils zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev ncompress gzip bzip2 tar arj p7zip p7zip-full cabextract openjdk-6-jdk
$ sudo apt-get install mtd-utils zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev ncompress gzip bzip2 tar arj lhasa p7zip p7zip-full cabextract openjdk-6-jdk cramfsprogs cramfsswap
......@@ -39,23 +39,13 @@
^ext2 filesystem:ext2:mkdir ext2-root && mount -t ext2 '%e' ext2-root
^romfs filesystem:romfs:mkdir romfs-root && mount -t romfs '%e' romfs-root
# These assume the firmware-mod-kit is installed to /opt/firmware-mod-kit.
# If not, change the file paths appropriately.
# These were the extractors used from FMK that still need suitable replacements.
#^jffs2 filesystem:jffs2:/opt/firmware-mod-kit/src/jffs2/unjffs2 '%e'
#^ascii cpio archive:cpio:/opt/firmware-mod-kit/ '%e'
#^squashfs filesystem:squashfs:/opt/firmware-mod-kit/ '%e'
#^cramfs filesystem:cramfs:/opt/firmware-mod-kit/ '%e'
#^bff volume entry:bff:/opt/firmware-mod-kit/src/bff/ '%e'
#^wdk file system:wdk:/opt/firmware-mod-kit/src/firmware-tools/ '%e'
#^zlib compressed data:zlib:/opt/firmware-mod-kit/src/firmware-tools/ '%e'
# These will only be run if the above file paths don't exist / don't work.
#^squashfs filesystem:squashfs:/opt/firmware-mod-kit/trunk/ '%e'
#^jffs2 filesystem:jffs2:/opt/firmware-mod-kit/trunk/src/jffs2/unjffs2 '%e' # requires root
#^ascii cpio archive:cpio:/opt/firmware-mod-kit/trunk/ '%e'
#^cramfs filesystem:cramfs:/opt/firmware-mod-kit/trunk/ '%e'
#^bff volume entry:bff:/opt/firmware-mod-kit/trunk/src/bff/ '%e'
# Extract, but don't run anything
private key:key
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