Commit a65a6483 by devttys0

Fixed gzip extractor plugin bug

parent 52d4b565
......@@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ class GzipExtractPlugin(binwalk.core.plugin.Plugin):
def init(self):
# If the extractor is enabled for the module we're currently loaded
# into, then register self.extractor as a zlib extraction rule.
if self.module.extractor.enabled:
# into, and if a rule that matches gzip signature results already exists
# (e.g., the default rules were loaded or a gzip rule was specified manually),
# then register self.extractor as a gzip extraction rule.
if self.module.extractor.enabled and self.module.extractor.match("gzip compressed data"):
regex="^gzip compressed data",
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