Commit 95cb8080 by devttys0

Fixed bug with -R usage.

parent b406691b
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class Signature(Module):
description='Scan target file(s) for common file signatures'),
kwargs={'raw_bytes' : None},
kwargs={'enabled' : True, 'raw_bytes' : ''},
description='Scan target file(s) for the specified sequence of bytes'),
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class Signature(Module):
# If a raw byte sequence was specified, build a magic file from that instead of using the default magic files
if self.raw_bytes is not None:
self.magic_files = [self.parser.file_from_string(self.raw_bytes)]
# Append the user's magic file first so that those signatures take precedence
if self.search_for_opcodes:
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