Commit 5f4b52c9 by Craig Heffner

Added jar as a zip extraction option

parent 892ab6d0
......@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
^xz compressed data:xz:7z e -y '%e':0,1
^bzip2 compressed data:bz2:bzip2 -d '%e'
^compress'd data:Z:gzip -d '%e'
^zip archive data:zip:7z x -y '%e' -p '':0,1
^posix tar archive:tar:tar xvf '%e'
^rar archive data:rar:unrar e '%e'
^rar archive data:rar:unrar -x '%e' # This is for the 'free' version
......@@ -39,6 +38,17 @@
^microsoft cabinet archive:cab:cabextract '%e'
^stuffit:sit:unstuff '%e'
# jar just does a better job of extracting zip files than either
# unzip or 7z.
# unzip does not support files that are "missing end of central directory header".
# 7z handles most zip files, but fails on some zip archives, inexplicably seeing
# only the *last* entry in the zip archive (though 7z thinks it succeeded). See
# StarCam firmware
^zip archive data:zip:jar xvf '%e':0
^zip archive data:zip:7z x -y '%e' -p '':0,1
# Try unsquashfs first, or if not installed, sasquatch
^squashfs filesystem:squashfs:unsquashfs -d '%%squashfs-root%%' '%e':0:False
^squashfs filesystem:squashfs:sasquatch -p 1 -le -d '%%squashfs-root%%' '%e':0:False
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