Commit 53c2cb29 by devttys0

Updated pydoc

parent 26d6fab4
......@@ -64,6 +64,9 @@ class Kwarg(object):
self.description = description
class Dependency(object):
A container class for declaring module dependencies.
def __init__(self, attribute="", name="", kwargs={}):
self.attribute = attribute
......@@ -89,6 +92,7 @@ class Result(object):
@display - Set to True to display the result to the user, False to hide it.
@extract - Set to True to flag this result for extraction.
@plot - Set to Flase to exclude this result from entropy plots.
@name - Name of the result found (None if not applicable or unknown).
Provide additional kwargs as necessary.
Returns None.
......@@ -130,13 +134,15 @@ class Module(object):
# The module title, as displayed in help output
TITLE = ""
# A list of binwalk.core.module.ModuleOption command line options
# A list of binwalk.core.module.Option command line options
CLI = []
# A list of binwalk.core.module.ModuleKwargs accepted by __init__
# A list of binwalk.core.module.Kwargs accepted by __init__
# A dictionary of module dependencies; all modules depend on binwalk.modules.general.General
# A dictionary of module dependencies; all modules depend on the General and Extractor modules.
# Note that if overriding these default DEPENDS for a module, you MUST include these default
# dependencies, with the same attribute values.
......@@ -144,27 +150,37 @@ class Module(object):
# Format string for printing the header during a scan
# Format string for printing the header during a scan.
# Must be set prior to calling self.header.
HEADER_FORMAT = "%-12s %-12s %s\n"
# Format string for printing each result during a scan
# Format string for printing each result during a scan.
# Must be set prior to calling self.result.
RESULT_FORMAT = "%-12d 0x%-12X %s\n"
# Format string for printing custom information in the verbose header output.
# Must be set prior to calling self.header.
# The header to print during a scan.
# Set to None to not print a header.
# Note that this will be formatted per the HEADER_FORMAT format string.
# Must be set prior to calling self.header.
# The attribute names to print during a scan, as provided to the self.results method.
# The Result attribute names to print during a scan, as provided to the self.results method.
# Set to None to not print any results.
# Note that these will be formatted per the RESULT_FORMAT format string.
# Must be set prior to calling self.result.
RESULT = ["offset", "offset", "description"]
# The custom data to print in the verbose header output.
# Note that these will be formatted per the VERBOSE_FORMAT format string.
# Must be set prior to calling self.header.
# If set to True, the progress status will be automatically updated for each result
# containing a valid file attribute.
# containing valid file and offset attributes.
# Modules with higher priorities are executed first
......@@ -173,7 +189,7 @@ class Module(object):
# Modules with a higher order are displayed first in help output
# Set to False if this is not a primary module
# Set to False if this is not a primary module (e.g., General, Extractor modules)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
......@@ -291,6 +307,7 @@ class Module(object):
Gets the next file to be scanned (including pending extracted files, if applicable).
Also re/initializes self.status.
All modules should access the target file list through this method.
fp = None
......@@ -357,6 +374,7 @@ class Module(object):
if r.display:
display_args = self._build_display_args(r)
if display_args:
self.config.display.format_strings(self.HEADER_FORMAT, self.RESULT_FORMAT)
return r
......@@ -386,7 +404,7 @@ class Module(object):
def header(self):
self.config.display.format_strings(self.HEADER_FORMAT, self.RESULT_FORMAT)
self.config.display.add_custom_header(self.VERBOSE_HEADER_FORMAT, self.VERBOSE_HEADER_ARGS)
self.config.display.add_custom_header(self.VERBOSE_FORMAT, self.VERBOSE)
if type(self.HEADER) == type([]):
self.config.display.header(*self.HEADER, file_name=self.current_target_file_name)
......@@ -454,6 +472,10 @@ class Status(object):
setattr(self, k, v)
class ModuleException(Exception):
Module exception class.
Nothing special here except the name.
class Modules(object):
......@@ -518,6 +540,11 @@ class Modules(object):
return sorted(modules, key=modules.get, reverse=True)
def help(self):
Generates formatted help output.
Returns the help string.
modules = {}
help_string = "\nBinwalk v%s\nCraig Heffner,\n" % binwalk.core.settings.Settings.VERSION
......@@ -550,6 +577,11 @@ class Modules(object):
return help_string + "\n"
def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
Executes all appropriate modules according to the options specified in args/kwargs.
Returns a list of executed module objects.
run_modules = []
orig_arguments = self.arguments
......@@ -571,6 +603,9 @@ class Modules(object):
return run_modules
def run(self, module, dependency=False, kwargs={}):
Runs a specific module.
obj = self.load(module, kwargs)
if isinstance(obj, binwalk.core.module.Module) and obj.enabled:
......@@ -700,29 +735,29 @@ class Modules(object):
return kwargs
def kwargs(self, module, kwargs):
def kwargs(self, obj, kwargs):
Processes a module's kwargs. All modules should use this for kwarg processing.
@module - An instance of the module (e.g., self)
@obj - An instance of the module (e.g., self)
@kwargs - The kwargs passed to the module
Returns None.
if hasattr(module, "KWARGS"):
for module_argument in module.KWARGS:
if hasattr(obj, "KWARGS"):
for module_argument in obj.KWARGS:
if has_key(kwargs,
arg_value = kwargs[]
arg_value = module_argument.default
setattr(module,, arg_value)
setattr(obj,, arg_value)
for (k, v) in iterator(kwargs):
if not hasattr(module, k):
setattr(module, k, v)
if not hasattr(obj, k):
setattr(obj, k, v)
raise Exception("binwalk.core.module.Modules.process_kwargs: %s has no attribute 'KWARGS'" % str(module))
raise Exception("binwalk.core.module.Modules.process_kwargs: %s has no attribute 'KWARGS'" % str(obj))
def process_kwargs(obj, kwargs):
......@@ -184,7 +184,3 @@ class General(Module):
except Exception as e:
self.error(description="Cannot open file : %s" % str(e))
# If no files could be opened, quit permaturely
#if len(self.target_files) == 0:
# raise Exception("Failed to open any files for scanning")
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class Signature(Module):
def init(self):
# Create Signature and MagicParser class instances. These are mostly for internal use.
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class Signature(Module):
# Once the temporary magic files are loaded into libmagic, we don't need them anymore; delete the temp files
self.VERBOSE_HEADER_ARGS = ["Signatures:", self.parser.signature_count]
self.VERBOSE = ["Signatures:", self.parser.signature_count]
def validate(self, r):
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