Commit 34db0f73 by Craig Heffner

Fixed unique file name replacement bug in which multiple commands need the same unique file name

parent 183da126
......@@ -752,14 +752,14 @@ class Extractor(Module):
if not binwalk.core.common.DEBUG:
tmp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
# Execute.
for command in cmd.split("&&"):
# Generate unique file paths for all paths in the current command that are surrounded by UNIQUE_PATH_DELIMITER
while self.UNIQUE_PATH_DELIMITER in command:
need_unique_path = command.split(self.UNIQUE_PATH_DELIMITER)[1].split(self.UNIQUE_PATH_DELIMITER)[0]
while self.UNIQUE_PATH_DELIMITER in cmd:
need_unique_path = cmd.split(self.UNIQUE_PATH_DELIMITER)[1].split(self.UNIQUE_PATH_DELIMITER)[0]
unique_path = binwalk.core.common.unique_file_name(need_unique_path)
command = command.replace(self.UNIQUE_PATH_DELIMITER + need_unique_path + self.UNIQUE_PATH_DELIMITER, unique_path)
cmd = cmd.replace(self.UNIQUE_PATH_DELIMITER + need_unique_path + self.UNIQUE_PATH_DELIMITER, unique_path)
# Execute.
for command in cmd.split("&&"):
# Replace all instances of FILE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER in the command with fname
command = command.strip().replace(self.FILE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER, fname)
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