Commit 30d970c4 by devttys0

Fixed extractor destination directory bug.

parent c3ebc2bd
import os
import re
import sys
import shlex
import tempfile
import subprocess
from binwalk.core.compat import *
from binwalk.core.module import Module, Option, Kwarg
from binwalk.core.common import file_size, unique_file_name, BlockFile
class Extractor(Module):
Extractor class, responsible for extracting files from the target file and executing external applications, if requested.
# Extract rules are delimited with a colon.
# <case insensitive matching string>:<file extension>[:<command to run>]
# Comments in the extract.conf files start with a pound
# Place holder for the extracted file name in the command
# Max size of data to read/write at one time when extracting data
MAX_READ_SIZE = 10 * 1024 * 1024
TITLE = 'Extraction'
CLI = [
kwargs={'load_default_rules' : True},
description='Automatically extract known file types'),
kwargs={'manual_rules' : []},
description='Extract <type> signatures, give the files an extension of <ext>, and execute <cmd>'),
kwargs={'matryoshka' : 8},
description='Recursively scan extracted files'),
kwargs={'max_size' : 0},
description='Limit the size of each extracted file'),
kwargs={'remove_after_execute' : True},
description='Cleanup extracted / zero-size files after extraction'),
kwargs={'run_extractors' : False},
description="Carve data from files, but don't execute extraction utilities"),
Kwarg(name='max_size', default=None),
Kwarg(name='remove_after_execute', default=False),
Kwarg(name='load_default_rules', default=False),
Kwarg(name='run_extractors', default=True),
Kwarg(name='manual_rules', default=[]),
Kwarg(name='matryoshka', default=0),
def load(self):
# Holds a list of extraction rules loaded either from a file or when manually specified.
self.extract_rules = []
if self.load_default_rules:
for manual_rule in self.manual_rules:
def reset(self):
# Holds a list of pending files that should be scanned; only populated if self.matryoshka == True
self.pending = []
# Holds a dictionary of extraction directories created for each scanned file.
self.extraction_directories = {}
# Holds a dictionary of the last directory listing for a given directory; used for identifying
# newly created/extracted files that need to be appended to self.pending.
self.last_directory_listing = {}
# Set to the directory path of the first extracted directory; this allows us to track recursion depth.
self.base_recursion_dir = ""
def callback(self, r):
# Make sure the file attribute is set to a compatible instance of binwalk.core.common.BlockFile
except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
except Exception:
if not r.size:
size = r.file.size - r.offset
size = r.size
# Only extract valid results
if r.valid:
# Do the extraction
(extraction_directory, dd_file) = self.extract(r.offset, r.description,, size,
# If the extraction was successful, self.extract will have returned the output directory and name of the dd'd file
if extraction_directory and dd_file:
# Get the full path to the dd'd file
dd_file_path = os.path.join(extraction_directory, dd_file)
# Do a directory listing of the output directory
directory_listing = set(os.listdir(extraction_directory))
# If this is a newly created output directory, self.last_directory_listing won't have a record of it.
# If we've extracted other files to this directory before, it will.
if not has_key(self.last_directory_listing, extraction_directory):
self.last_directory_listing[extraction_directory] = set()
# Loop through a list of newly created files (i.e., files that weren't listed in the last directory listing)
for f in directory_listing.difference(self.last_directory_listing[extraction_directory]):
# Build the full file path and add it to the extractor results
file_path = os.path.join(extraction_directory, f)
real_file_path = os.path.realpath(file_path)
self.result(description=file_path, display=False)
# If recursion was specified, and the file is not the same one we just dd'd, and if it is not a directory
if self.matryoshka and file_path != dd_file_path and not os.path.isdir(file_path):
# If the recursion level of this file is less than or equal to our desired recursion level
if len(real_file_path.split(self.base_recursion_dir)[1].split(os.path.sep)) <= self.matryoshka:
# Add the file to our list of pending files
# Update the last directory listing for the next time we extract a file to this same output directory
self.last_directory_listing[extraction_directory] = directory_listing
def append_rule(self, r):
def add_rule(self, txtrule=None, regex=None, extension=None, cmd=None):
Adds a set of rules to the extraction rule list.
@txtrule - Rule string, or list of rule strings, in the format <regular expression>:<file extension>[:<command to run>]
@regex - If rule string is not specified, this is the regular expression string to use.
@extension - If rule string is not specified, this is the file extension to use.
@cmd - If rule string is not specified, this is the command to run.
Alternatively a callable object may be specified, which will be passed one argument: the path to the file to extract.
Returns None.
rules = []
match = False
r = {
'extension' : '',
'cmd' : '',
'regex' : None
# Process single explicitly specified rule
if not txtrule and regex and extension:
r['extension'] = extension
r['regex'] = re.compile(regex)
if cmd:
r['cmd'] = cmd
# Process rule string, or list of rule strings
if not isinstance(txtrule, type([])):
rules = [txtrule]
rules = txtrule
for rule in rules:
r['cmd'] = ''
r['extension'] = ''
values = self._parse_rule(rule)
match = values[0]
r['regex'] = re.compile(values[0])
r['extension'] = values[1]
r['cmd'] = values[2]
except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
raise e
except Exception:
# Verify that the match string was retrieved.
if match:
def remove_rule(self, text):
Remove all rules that match a specified text.
@text - The text to match against.
Returns the number of rules removed.
rm = []
for i in range(0, len(self.extract_rules)):
if self.extract_rules[i]['regex'].match(text):
for i in rm:
return len(rm)
def clear_rules(self):
Deletes all extraction rules.
Returns None.
self.extract_rules = []
def get_rules(self):
Returns a list of all extraction rules.
return self.extract_rules
def load_from_file(self, fname):
Loads extraction rules from the specified file.
@fname - Path to the extraction rule file.
Returns None.
# Process each line from the extract file, ignoring comments
with open(fname, 'r') as f:
for rule in f.readlines():
self.add_rule(rule.split(self.COMMENT_DELIM, 1)[0])
except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
raise e
except Exception as e:
raise Exception("Extractor.load_from_file failed to load file '%s': %s" % (fname, str(e)))
def load_defaults(self):
Loads default extraction rules from the user and system extract.conf files.
Returns None.
# Load the user extract file first to ensure its rules take precedence.
extract_files = [
for extract_file in extract_files:
except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
raise e
except Exception as e:
if self.config.verbose:
raise Exception("Extractor.load_defaults failed to load file '%s': %s" % (extract_file, str(e)))
def build_output_directory(self, path):
Set the output directory for extracted files.
@path - The path to the file that data will be extracted from.
Returns None.
# If we have not already created an output directory for this target file, create one now
if not has_key(self.extraction_directories, path):
output_directory = unique_file_name('_' + os.path.basename(path), extension='extracted')
if not os.path.exists(output_directory):
self.extraction_directories[path] = output_directory
# Else, just use the already created directory
output_directory = self.extraction_directories[path]
# Set the initial base extraction directory for later determining the level of recusion
if not self.base_recursion_dir:
self.base_recursion_dir = os.path.realpath(output_directory) + os.path.sep
return output_directory
def cleanup_extracted_files(self, tf=None):
Set the action to take after a file is extracted.
@tf - If set to True, extracted files will be cleaned up after running a command against them.
If set to False, extracted files will not be cleaned up after running a command against them.
If set to None or not specified, the current setting will not be changed.
Returns the current cleanup status (True/False).
if tf is not None:
self.remove_after_execute = tf
return self.remove_after_execute
def extract(self, offset, description, file_name, size, name=None):
Extract an embedded file from the target file, if it matches an extract rule.
Called automatically by Binwalk.scan().
@offset - Offset inside the target file to begin the extraction.
@description - Description of the embedded file to extract, as returned by libmagic.
@file_name - Path to the target file.
@size - Number of bytes to extract.
@name - Name to save the file as.
Returns the name of the extracted file (blank string if nothing was extracted).
fname = ''
cleanup_extracted_fname = True
original_dir = os.getcwd()
rules = self._match(description)
file_path = os.path.realpath(file_name)
# No extraction rules for this file
if not rules:
return (None, None)
output_directory = self.build_output_directory(file_name)
# Extract to end of file if no size was specified
if not size:
size = file_size(file_path) - offset
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
# Loop through each extraction rule until one succeeds
for i in range(0, len(rules)):
rule = rules[i]
# Copy out the data to disk, if we haven't already
fname = self._dd(file_path, offset, size, rule['extension'], output_file_name=name)
# If there was a command specified for this rule, try to execute it.
# If execution fails, the next rule will be attempted.
if rule['cmd']:
# Many extraction utilities will extract the file to a new file, just without
# the file extension (i.e., myfile.7z -> myfile). If the presumed resulting
# file name already exists before executing the extract command, do not attempt
# to clean it up even if its resulting file size is 0.
if self.remove_after_execute:
extracted_fname = os.path.splitext(fname)[0]
if os.path.exists(extracted_fname):
cleanup_extracted_fname = False
# Execute the specified command against the extracted file
if self.run_extractors:
extract_ok = self.execute(rule['cmd'], fname)
extract_ok = True
# Only clean up files if remove_after_execute was specified
if extract_ok and self.remove_after_execute:
# Remove the original file that we extracted
except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
raise e
except Exception as e:
# If the command worked, assume it removed the file extension from the extracted file
# If the extracted file name file exists and is empty, remove it
if cleanup_extracted_fname and os.path.exists(extracted_fname) and file_size(extracted_fname) == 0:
except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
raise e
except Exception as e:
# If the command executed OK, don't try any more rules
if extract_ok:
# Else, remove the extracted file if this isn't the last rule in the list.
# If it is the last rule, leave the file on disk for the user to examine.
elif i != (len(rules)-1):
except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
raise e
except Exception as e:
# If there was no command to execute, just use the first rule
return (output_directory, fname)
def _entry_offset(self, index, entries, description):
Gets the offset of the first entry that matches the description.
@index - Index into the entries list to begin searching.
@entries - Dictionary of result entries.
@description - Case insensitive description.
Returns the offset, if a matching description is found.
Returns -1 if a matching description is not found.
description = description.lower()
for (offset, infos) in entries[index:]:
for info in infos:
if info['description'].lower().startswith(description):
return offset
return -1
def _match(self, description):
Check to see if the provided description string matches an extract rule.
Called internally by self.extract().
@description - Description string to check.
Returns the associated rule dictionary if a match is found.
Returns None if no match is found.
rules = []
description = description.lower()
for rule in self.extract_rules:
if rule['regex'].search(description):
return rules
def _parse_rule(self, rule):
Parses an extraction rule.
@rule - Rule string.
Returns an array of ['<case insensitive matching string>', '<file extension>', '<command to run>'].
return rule.strip().split(self.RULE_DELIM, 2)
def _dd(self, file_name, offset, size, extension, output_file_name=None):
Extracts a file embedded inside the target file.
@file_name - Path to the target file.
@offset - Offset inside the target file where the embedded file begins.
@size - Number of bytes to extract.
@extension - The file exension to assign to the extracted file on disk.
@output_file_name - The requested name of the output file.
Returns the extracted file name.
total_size = 0
# Default extracted file name is <hex offset>.<extension>
default_bname = "%X" % offset
if self.max_size and size > self.max_size:
size = self.max_size
if not output_file_name or output_file_name is None:
bname = default_bname
# Strip the output file name of invalid/dangerous characters (like file paths)
bname = os.path.basename(output_file_name)
fname = unique_file_name(bname, extension)
# Open the target file and seek to the offset
fdin = BlockFile(file_name, 'r', length=size, offset=offset)
# Open the output file
fdout = BlockFile(fname, 'w')
except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
raise e
except Exception as e:
# Fall back to the default name if the requested name fails
fname = unique_file_name(default_bname, extension)
fdout = BlockFile(fname, 'w')
while total_size < size:
(data, dlen) = fdin.read_block()
if not data:
total_size += dlen
# Cleanup
except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
raise e
except Exception as e:
raise Exception("Extractor.dd failed to extract data from '%s' to '%s': %s" % (file_name, fname, str(e)))
return fname
def execute(self, cmd, fname):
Execute a command against the specified file.
@cmd - Command to execute.
@fname - File to run command against.
Returns True on success, False on failure.
tmp = None
retval = True
if callable(cmd):
except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
raise e
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("WARNING: Extractor.execute failed to run '%s': %s\n" % (str(cmd), str(e)))
# If not in verbose mode, create a temporary file to redirect stdout and stderr to
if not self.config.verbose:
tmp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
# Replace all instances of FILE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER in the command with fname
cmd = cmd.replace(self.FILE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER, fname)
# Execute.
if, stdout=tmp, stderr=tmp) != 0:
retval = False
except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
raise e
except Exception as e:
# Silently ignore no such file or directory errors. Why? Because these will inevitably be raised when
# making the switch to the new firmware mod kit directory structure. We handle this elsewhere, but it's
# annoying to see this spammed out to the console every time.
if e.errno != 2:
sys.stderr.write("WARNING: Extractor.execute failed to run '%s': %s\n" % (str(cmd), str(e)))
retval = False
if tmp is not None:
return retval
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