Unverified Commit f6d7c090 by jovimon Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #310 from mikesxrs/patch-18

Create RANSOM_GPGQwerty.yar
parents dc577884 02faa1b1
rule crime_ransomware_windows_GPGQwerty: crime_ransomware_windows_GPGQwerty
author = "McAfee Labs"
description = "Detect GPGQwerty ransomware"
reference = "https://securingtomorrow.mcafee.com/mcafee-labs/ransomware-takes-open-source-path-encrypts-gnu-privacy-guard/"
$a = "gpg.exe –recipient qwerty -o"
$b = "%s%s.%d.qwerty"
$c = "del /Q /F /S %s$recycle.bin"
$d = "cryz1@protonmail.com"
all of them
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