Unverified Commit b6304e92 by HWVS Committed by GitHub

Create MALW_FUDCrypt.yar

parent d4ca8171
rule FUDCrypter
description = "Detects unmodified FUDCrypt samples"
reference = "https://github.com/gigajew/FudCrypt/"
author = "https://github.com/hwvs"
last_modified = "2019-11-21"
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$ = "BclWgISTcaGjnwrzSCIuKruKm" wide ascii
$ = "CJyUSiUNrIVbgksjxpAMUkAJJ" wide ascii
$ = "fAMVdoPUEyHEWdxQIEJPRYbEN" wide ascii
$ = "CIGQUctdcUPqUjoucmcoffECY" wide ascii
$ = "wcZfHOgetgAExzSoWFJFQdAyO" wide ascii
$ = "DqYKDnIoLeZDWYlQWoxZnpfPR" wide ascii
$ = "MkhMoOHCbGUMqtnRDJKnBYnOj" wide ascii
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$ = "JtZApJhbFAIFxzHLjjyEQvtgd" wide ascii
$ = "IIQrSWZEMmoQIKGuxxwoTwXka" wide ascii
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