Commit 930bbdce by mmorenog

Create APT_Winnti.yar

parent f530fa53
This Yara ruleset is under the GNU-GPLv2 license ( and open to any user or organization, as long as you use it under this license.
Yara Rule Set
Author: Florian Roth
Date: 2015-10-10
Identifier: Winnti Malware
rule Winnti_signing_cert {
description = "Detects a signing certificate used by the Winnti APT group"
author = "Florian Roth"
reference = ""
date = "2015-10-10"
score = 75
hash1 = "a9a8dc4ae77b1282f0c8bdebd2643458fc1ceb3145db4e30120dd81676ff9b61"
hash2 = "9001572983d5b1f99787291edaadbb65eb2701722f52470e89db2c59def24672"
$s1 = "Guangzhou YuanLuo Technology Co." ascii
$s2 = "Guangzhou YuanLuo Technology Co.,Ltd" ascii
$s3 = "$Asahi Kasei Microdevices Corporation0" fullword ascii
uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 700KB and 1 of them
rule Winnti_malware_Nsiproxy {
description = "Detects a Winnti rootkit"
author = "Florian Roth"
date = "2015-10-10"
score = 75
hash1 = "9001572983d5b1f99787291edaadbb65eb2701722f52470e89db2c59def24672"
hash2 = "cf1e006694b33f27d7c748bab35d0b0031a22d193622d47409b6725b395bffb0"
hash3 = "326e2cabddb641777d489a9e7a39d52c0dc2dcb1fde1762554ea162792056b6e"
hash4 = "aff7c7478fe33c57954b6fec2095efe8f9edf5cdb48a680de9439ba62a77945f"
hash5 = "ba7ccd027fd2c826bbe8f2145d5131eff906150bd98fe25a10fbee2c984df1b8"
$x1 = "\\Driver\\nsiproxy" fullword wide
$a1 = "\\Device\\StreamPortal" fullword wide
$a2 = "\\Device\\PNTFILTER" fullword wide
$s1 = "Cookie: SN=" fullword ascii
$s2 = "\\BaseNamedObjects\\_transmition_synchronization_" fullword wide
$s3 = "Winqual.sys" fullword wide
$s4 = "\\Registry\\Machine\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class\\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}" fullword wide
$s5 = " 0" fullword ascii
uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and $x1 and 1 of ($a*) and 2 of ($s*)
rule Winnti_malware_UpdateDLL {
description = "Detects a Winnti malware - Update.dll"
author = "Florian Roth"
reference = "VTI research"
date = "2015-10-10"
score = 75
hash1 = "1b449121300b0188ff9f6a8c399fb818d0cf53fd36cf012e6908a2665a27f016"
hash2 = "50174311e524b97ea5cb4f3ea571dd477d1f0eee06cd3ed73af39a15f3e6484a"
hash3 = "6cdb65dbfb2c236b6d149fd9836cb484d0608ea082cf5bd88edde31ad11a0d58"
hash4 = "50174311e524b97ea5cb4f3ea571dd477d1f0eee06cd3ed73af39a15f3e6484a"
$c1 = "'Wymajtec$Tima Stempijg Sarviges GA -$G2" fullword ascii
$c2 = "AHDNEAFE1.sys" fullword ascii
$c3 = "SOTEFEHJ3.sys" fullword ascii
$c4 = "MainSYS64.sys" fullword ascii
$s1 = "\\Registry\\User\\%s\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings" fullword wide
$s2 = "Update.dll" fullword ascii
$s3 = "\\\\.\\pipe\\usbpcex%d" fullword wide
$s4 = "\\\\.\\pipe\\usbpcg%d" fullword wide
$s5 = "\\Registry\\Machine\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\WMI" fullword wide
$s6 = "\\??\\pipe\\usbpcg%d" fullword wide
$s7 = "\\??\\pipe\\usbpcex%d" fullword wide
$s8 = "HOST: %s" fullword ascii
$s9 = "$$$--Hello" fullword ascii
uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 1000KB and
( 1 of ($c*) and 3 of ($s*) ) or all of ($s*)
rule Winnti_malware_FWPK {
description = "Detects a Winnti malware - FWPKCLNT.SYS"
author = "Florian Roth"
reference = "VTI research"
date = "2015-10-10"
score = 75
hash1 = "1098518786c84b0d31f215122275582bdcd1666653ebc25d50a142b4f5dabf2c"
hash2 = "9a684ffad0e1c6a22db1bef2399f839d8eff53d7024fb014b9a5f714d11febd7"
hash3 = "a836397817071c35e24e94b2be3c2fa4ffa2eb1675d3db3b4456122ff4a71368"
$s0 = "\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class\\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\\" fullword wide
$s1 = "%x:%d->%x:%d, Flag %s%s%s%s%s, seq %u, ackseq %u, datalen %u" fullword ascii
$s2 = "FWPKCLNT.SYS" fullword ascii
$s3 = "Port Layer" fullword wide
$s4 = "%x->%x, icmp type %d, code %d" fullword ascii
$s5 = "\\BaseNamedObjects\\{93144EB0-8E3E-4591-B307-8EEBFE7DB28E}" fullword wide
$s6 = "\\Ndi\\Interfaces" fullword wide
$s7 = "\\Device\\{93144EB0-8E3E-4591-B307-8EEBFE7DB28F}" fullword wide
$s8 = "Bad packet" fullword ascii
$s9 = "\\BaseNamedObjects\\EKV0000000000" fullword wide
$s10 = "%x->%x" fullword ascii
$s11 = "IPInjectPkt" fullword ascii /* Goodware String - occured 6 times */
uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 642KB and all of them
rule Winnti_malware_StreamPortal_Gen {
description = "Detects a Winnti malware - Streamportal"
author = "Florian Roth"
reference = "VTI research"
date = "2015-10-10"
score = 75
hash1 = "326e2cabddb641777d489a9e7a39d52c0dc2dcb1fde1762554ea162792056b6e"
hash2 = "9001572983d5b1f99787291edaadbb65eb2701722f52470e89db2c59def24672"
hash3 = "aff7c7478fe33c57954b6fec2095efe8f9edf5cdb48a680de9439ba62a77945f"
$s0 = "Proxies destination address/port for TCP" fullword wide
$s3 = "\\Device\\StreamPortal" fullword wide
$s4 = "Transport-Data Proxy Sub-Layer" fullword wide
$s5 = "Cookie: SN=" fullword ascii
$s6 = "\\BaseNamedObjects\\_transmition_synchronization_" fullword wide
$s17 = "NTOSKRNL.EXE" fullword wide /* Goodware String - occured 4 times */
$s19 = "FwpsReferenceNetBufferList0" fullword ascii /* Goodware String - occured 5 times */
uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 275KB and all of them
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