Unverified Commit 6caded71 by Bondey Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #281 from Bondey/master

Added Maldoc_CVE_2017_11882.yar
parents 3ebf0603 a27cc9e4
;)rule Maldoc_CVE_2017_11882 : Exploit {
description = "Detects maldoc With exploit for CVE_2017_11882"
author = "Marc Salinas (@Bondey_m)"
reference = "c63ccc5c08c3863d7eb330b69f96c1bcf1e031201721754132a4c4d0baff36f8"
date = "2017-10-20"
$s0 = "Equation"
$s1 = "1c000000020"
$h0 = {1C 00 00 00 02 00}
$s0 and ($h0 or $s1)
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