Commit 68c8af64 by Marc Rivero López Committed by GitHub

Update APT_Minidionis.yar

parent 7a2db79d
......@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
This Yara ruleset is under the GNU-GPLv2 license ( and open to any user or organization, as long as you use it under this license.
rule MiniDionis_readerView {
rule MiniDionis_readerView
description = "MiniDionis Malware - file readerView.exe / adobe.exe"
author = "Florian Roth"
......@@ -16,6 +19,7 @@ rule MiniDionis_readerView {
hash4 = "97d8725e39d263ed21856477ed09738755134b5c0d0b9ae86ebb1cdd4cdc18b7"
hash5 = "ed7abf93963395ce9c9cba83a864acb4ed5b6e57fd9a6153f0248b8ccc4fdb46"
hash6 = "56ac764b81eb216ebed5a5ad38e703805ba3e1ca7d63501ba60a1fb52c7ebb6e"
$s1 = "%ws_out%ws" fullword wide /* score: '8.00' */
$s2 = "dnlibsh" fullword ascii /* score: '7.00' */
......@@ -23,54 +27,67 @@ rule MiniDionis_readerView {
$op0 = { 0f b6 80 68 0e 41 00 0b c8 c1 e1 08 0f b6 c2 8b } /* Opcode */
$op1 = { 8b ce e8 f8 01 00 00 85 c0 74 41 83 7d f8 00 0f } /* Opcode */
$op2 = { e8 2f a2 ff ff 83 20 00 83 c8 ff 5f 5e 5d c3 55 } /* Opcode */
uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 500KB and all of ($s*) and 1 of ($op*)
/* Related - SFX files or packed files with typical malware content -------- */
rule Malicious_SFX1 {
rule Malicious_SFX1
description = "SFX with voicemail content"
author = "Florian Roth"
reference = ""
date = "2015-07-20"
hash = "c0675b84f5960e95962d299d4c41511bbf6f8f5f5585bdacd1ae567e904cb92f"
$s0 = "voicemail" ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ /* score: '30.00' */
$s1 = ".exe" ascii
uint16(0) == 0x4b50 and filesize < 1000KB and $s0 in (3..80) and $s1 in (3..80)
rule Malicious_SFX2 {
rule Malicious_SFX2
description = "SFX with adobe.exe content"
author = "Florian Roth"
reference = ""
date = "2015-07-20"
hash = "502e42dc99873c52c3ca11dd3df25aad40d2b083069e8c22dd45da887f81d14d"
$s1 = "adobe.exe" fullword ascii /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ /* score: '27.00' */
$s2 = "Extracting files to %s folder$Extracting files to temporary folder" fullword wide /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ /* score: '26.00' */
$s3 = "GETPASSWORD1" fullword wide /* PEStudio Blacklist: strings */ /* score: '23.00' */
uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 1000KB and all of them
rule MiniDionis_VBS_Dropped {
rule MiniDionis_VBS_Dropped
description = "Dropped File - 1.vbs"
author = "Florian Roth"
reference = ""
date = "2015-07-21"
hash = "97dd1ee3aca815eb655a5de9e9e8945e7ba57f458019be6e1b9acb5731fa6646"
$s1 = "Wscript.Sleep 5000" ascii
$s2 = "Set FSO = CreateObject(\"Scripting.FileSystemObject\")" ascii
$s3 = "Set WshShell = CreateObject(\"WScript.Shell\")" ascii
$s4 = "If(FSO.FileExists(\"" ascii
$s5 = "then FSO.DeleteFile(\".\\" ascii
filesize < 1KB and all of them and $s1 in (0..40)
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