Commit 67718bdc by mmorenog Committed by GitHub

Create CVE-2016-5195.yar

parent 4a5675e1
rule Linux_DirtyCow_Exploit {
description = "Detects Linux Dirty Cow Exploit - CVE-2012-0056 and CVE-2016-5195"
author = "Florian Roth"
reference = ""
date = "2016-10-21"
$a1 = { 48 89 D6 41 B9 00 00 00 00 41 89 C0 B9 02 00 00 00 BA 01 00 00 00 BF 00 00 00 00 }
$b1 = { E8 ?? FC FF FF 48 8B 45 E8 BE 00 00 00 00 48 89 C7 E8 ?? FC FF FF 48 8B 45 F0 BE 00 00 00 00 48 89 }
$b2 = { E8 ?? FC FF FF B8 00 00 00 00 }
$source1 = "madvise(map,100,MADV_DONTNEED);"
$source2 = "=open(\"/proc/self/mem\",O_RDWR);"
$source3 = ",map,SEEK_SET);"
$source_printf1 = "mmap %x"
$source_printf2 = "procselfmem %d"
$source_printf3 = "madvise %d"
$source_printf4 = "[-] failed to patch payload"
$source_printf5 = "[-] failed to win race condition..."
$source_printf6 = "[*] waiting for reverse connect shell..."
$s1 = "/proc/self/mem"
$s2 = "/proc/%d/mem"
$s3 = "/proc/self/map"
$s4 = "/proc/%d/map"
$p1 = "pthread_create" fullword ascii
$p2 = "pthread_join" fullword ascii
( uint16(0) == 0x457f and $a1 ) or
all of ($b*) or
3 of ($source*) or
( uint16(0) == 0x457f and 1 of ($s*) and all of ($p*) and filesize < 20KB )
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