Commit 50535512 by Marc Rivero López Committed by GitHub

Update APT_Poseidon_Group.yar

parent 0d2a516d
......@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ rule PoseidonGroup_Malware
hash5 = "d090b1d77e91848b1e2f5690b54360bbbd7ef808d017304389b90a0f8423367f"
hash6 = "d7c8b47a0d0a9181fb993f17e165d75a6be8cf11812d3baf7cf11d085e21d4fb"
hash7 = "ded0ee29af97496f27d810f6c16d78a3031d8c2193d5d2a87355f3e3ca58f9b3"
maltype = "apt"
$s1 = "c:\\winnt\\system32\\cmd.exe" fullword ascii
......@@ -62,7 +61,6 @@ rule PoseidonGroup_MalDoc_1
date = "2016-02-09"
score = 80
hash = "0983526d7f0640e5765ded6be6c9e64869172a02c20023f8a006396ff358999b"
maltype = "apt"
$s1 = "c:\\cmd32dll.exe" fullword ascii
......@@ -86,7 +84,6 @@ rule PoseidonGroup_MalDoc_2
hash4 = "ec309300c950936a1b9f900aa30630b33723c42240ca4db978f2ca5e0f97afed"
hash5 = "27449198542fed64c23f583617908c8648fa4b4633bacd224f97e7f5d8b18778"
hash6 = "1e62629dae05bf7ee3fe1346faa60e6791c61f92dd921daa5ce2bdce2e9d4216"
maltype = "apt"
$s0 = "{\\*\\generator Msftedit 5.41." ascii
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