Commit 4c601058 by mmorenog

Create Android_MazarBot_z.yar

parent 9dfc6ffb
This Yara ruleset is under the GNU-GPLv2 license ( and open to any user or organization, as long as you use it under this license.
Androguard module used in this rule file is under development by people at
You can get it, along with installation instructions, at
import "androguard"
rule android_mazarBot_z
author = ""
reference_1 = ""
reference_2 = "
description = "Yara detection for MazarBOT"
sample = "73c9bf90cb8573db9139d028fa4872e93a528284c02616457749d40878af8cf8"
$str_1 = ""
$str_2 = "device_policy"
$str_3 = "content://sms/"
$str_4 = "#admin_start"
$str_5 = "kill call"
$str_6 = "unstop all numbers"
androguard.certificate.sha1("50FD99C06C2EE360296DCDA9896AD93CAE32266B") or
(androguard.package_name("com.mazar") and
androguard.activity(/\.DevAdminDisabler/) and
androguard.receiver(/\.DevAdminReceiver/) and
androguard.service(/\.WorkerService/i)) or
androguard.permission(/android.permission.INTERNET/) and
androguard.permission(/android.permission.SEND_SMS/) and
androguard.permission(/android.permission.CALL_PHONE/) and
all of ($str_*)
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