Commit 4188dc4d by j0sm1
parent 16328e4b
This Yara ruleset is under the GNU-GPLv2 license ( and open to any user or organization, as long as you use it under this license.
rule APT_OLE_JSRat
author = "Rahul Mohandas"
Date = "2015-06-16"
Description = "Targeted attack using Excel/word documents"
$header = {D0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 1A E1}
$key1 = "AAAAAAAAAA"
$key2 = "Base64Str" nocase
$key3 = "DeleteFile" nocase
$key4 = "Scripting.FileSystemObject" nocase
$header at 0 and (all of ($key*) )
\ No newline at end of file
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