Commit 2752849c by Marc Rivero López Committed by GitHub

Update APT_Snowglobe_Babar.yar

parent b64d3767
......@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
import "pe"
rule SNOWGLOBE_Babar_Malware {
rule SNOWGLOBE_Babar_Malware
description = "Detects the Babar Malware used in the SNOWGLOBE attacks - file babar.exe"
author = "Florian Roth"
......@@ -13,6 +15,7 @@ rule SNOWGLOBE_Babar_Malware {
date = "2015/02/18"
hash = "27a0a98053f3eed82a51cdefbdfec7bb948e1f36"
score = 80
$mz = { 4d 5a }
$z0 = "admin\\Desktop\\Babar64\\Babar64\\obj\\DllWrapper" ascii fullword
......@@ -20,21 +23,16 @@ rule SNOWGLOBE_Babar_Malware {
$z2 = "ExecQueryFailled!" fullword ascii
$z3 = "NBOT_COMMAND_LINE" fullword
$z4 = "!!!EXTRACT ERROR!!!File Does Not Exists-->[%s]" fullword
$s1 = "/s /n %s \"%s\"" fullword ascii
$s2 = "%%WINDIR%%\\%s\\%s" fullword ascii
$s3 = "/c start /wait " fullword ascii
$s4 = "(D;OICI;FA;;;AN)(A;OICI;FA;;;BG)(A;OICI;FA;;;SY)(A;OICI;FA;;;LS)" ascii
$x1 = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System\\" fullword ascii
$x2 = "%COMMON_APPDATA%" fullword ascii
$x4 = "CONOUT$" fullword ascii
$x5 = "cmd.exe" fullword ascii
$x6 = "DLLPATH" fullword ascii
( $mz at 0 ) and filesize < 1MB and
( 1 of ($z*) and 1 of ($x*) ) or
( 3 of ($s*) and 4 of ($x*) )
( $mz at 0 ) and filesize < 1MB and (( 1 of ($z*) and 1 of ($x*) ) or ( 3 of ($s*) and 4 of ($x*) ) )
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