Commit 8877e263 by Alexander Popov

Remove the AIO check

Currently GrapheneOS doesn't have it.
parent 7da270d0
......@@ -638,9 +638,6 @@ def add_kconfig_checks(l, arch):
l += [KconfigCheck('cut_attack_surface', 'maintainer', 'BLK_DEV_FD', 'is not set')] # recommended by Denis Efremov in /pull/54
l += [KconfigCheck('cut_attack_surface', 'maintainer', 'BLK_DEV_FD_RAWCMD', 'is not set')] # recommended by Denis Efremov in /pull/62
# 'cut_attack_surface', 'grapheneos'
l += [KconfigCheck('cut_attack_surface', 'grapheneos', 'AIO', 'is not set')]
# 'cut_attack_surface', 'clipos'
l += [KconfigCheck('cut_attack_surface', 'clipos', 'STAGING', 'is not set')]
l += [KconfigCheck('cut_attack_surface', 'clipos', 'KSM', 'is not set')] # to prevent FLUSH+RELOAD attack
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