Commit 03839d42 by Alexander Popov

Merge branch 'refactoring'

It has more preparations for solving #46.
parents 66dcf26d 38b6bbb2
......@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ import re
import json
from .__about__ import __version__
TYPES_OF_CHECKS = ('kconfig', 'version')
class OptCheck:
def __init__(self, reason, decision, name, expected):
......@@ -106,24 +107,38 @@ class OptCheck:
return True
return False
def table_print(self, _mode, with_results):
print('{:<40}|{:^7}|{:^12}|{:^10}|{:^18}'.format(, self.type, self.expected, self.decision, self.reason), end='')
if with_results:
print('| {}'.format(self.result), end='')
class KconfigCheck(OptCheck):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = 'CONFIG_' +
def type(self):
return "kconfig"
return 'kconfig'
def table_print(self, _mode, with_results):
print('CONFIG_{:<33}|{:^7}|{:^12}|{:^10}|{:^18}'.format(, self.type, self.expected, self.decision, self.reason), end='')
def json_dump(self, with_results):
dump = [, self.type, self.expected, self.decision, self.reason]
if with_results:
print('| {}'.format(self.result), end='')
return dump
class VerCheck:
class VersionCheck:
def __init__(self, ver_expected):
self.ver_expected = ver_expected
self.ver = ()
self.result = None
def type(self):
return 'version'
def check(self):
if self.ver[0] > self.ver_expected[0]:
self.result = 'OK: version >= ' + str(self.ver_expected[0]) + '.' + str(self.ver_expected[1])
......@@ -145,8 +160,12 @@ class VerCheck:
class PresenceCheck:
def __init__(self, name): = name
def __init__(self, name, type):
self.type = type
if self.type == 'kconfig': = 'CONFIG_' + name
sys.exit('[!] ERROR: unsupported type "{}" for {}'.format(type, self.__class__.__name__))
self.state = None
self.result = None
......@@ -158,7 +177,7 @@ class PresenceCheck:
return True
def table_print(self, _mode, with_results):
print('CONFIG_{:<84}'.format( + ' is present'), end='')
print('{:<91}'.format( + ' is present'), end='')
if with_results:
print('| {}'.format(self.result), end='')
......@@ -168,6 +187,8 @@ class ComplexOptCheck:
self.opts = opts
if not self.opts:
sys.exit('[!] ERROR: empty {} check'.format(self.__class__.__name__))
if len(self.opts) == 1:
sys.exit('[!] ERROR: useless {} check'.format(self.__class__.__name__))
if not isinstance(opts[0], KconfigCheck):
sys.exit('[!] ERROR: invalid {} check: {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, opts))
self.result = None
......@@ -178,7 +199,7 @@ class ComplexOptCheck:
def type(self):
return self.opts[0].type
return 'complex'
def expected(self):
......@@ -206,6 +227,12 @@ class ComplexOptCheck:
if with_results:
print('| {}'.format(self.result), end='')
def json_dump(self, with_results):
dump = self.opts[0].json_dump(False)
if with_results:
return dump
class OR(ComplexOptCheck):
# self.opts[0] is the option that this OR-check is about.
......@@ -222,7 +249,7 @@ class OR(ComplexOptCheck):
if ret:
if opt.result == 'OK' and i != 0:
# Simple OK is not enough for additional checks, add more info:
self.result = 'OK: CONFIG_{} "{}"'.format(, opt.expected)
self.result = 'OK: {} "{}"'.format(, opt.expected)
self.result = opt.result
return True
......@@ -248,9 +275,9 @@ class AND(ComplexOptCheck):
# and not by the main option that this AND-check is about.
# Describe the reason of the FAIL.
if opt.result.startswith('FAIL: \"') or opt.result == 'FAIL: not found':
self.result = 'FAIL: CONFIG_{} not "{}"'.format(, opt.expected)
self.result = 'FAIL: {} not "{}"'.format(, opt.expected)
elif opt.result == 'FAIL: not present':
self.result = 'FAIL: CONFIG_{} not present'.format(
self.result = 'FAIL: {} not present'.format(
# This FAIL message is self-explaining.
self.result = opt.result
......@@ -311,7 +338,7 @@ def add_kconfig_checks(l, arch):
KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'defconfig', 'DEBUG_SET_MODULE_RONX', 'y'),
modules_not_set)] # DEBUG_SET_MODULE_RONX was before v4.11
l += [OR(KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'defconfig', 'REFCOUNT_FULL', 'y'),
VerCheck((5, 5)))] # REFCOUNT_FULL is enabled by default since v5.5
VersionCheck((5, 5)))] # REFCOUNT_FULL is enabled by default since v5.5
iommu_support_is_set = KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'defconfig', 'IOMMU_SUPPORT', 'y')
l += [iommu_support_is_set] # is needed for mitigating DMA attacks
if arch in ('X86_64', 'ARM64', 'X86_32'):
......@@ -341,12 +368,12 @@ def add_kconfig_checks(l, arch):
l += [KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'defconfig', 'UNMAP_KERNEL_AT_EL0', 'y')]
l += [OR(KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'defconfig', 'HARDEN_EL2_VECTORS', 'y'),
AND(KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'defconfig', 'RANDOMIZE_BASE', 'y'),
VerCheck((5, 9))))] # HARDEN_EL2_VECTORS was included in RANDOMIZE_BASE in v5.9
VersionCheck((5, 9))))] # HARDEN_EL2_VECTORS was included in RANDOMIZE_BASE in v5.9
l += [KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'defconfig', 'RODATA_FULL_DEFAULT_ENABLED', 'y')]
l += [KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'defconfig', 'ARM64_PTR_AUTH_KERNEL', 'y')]
l += [KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'defconfig', 'ARM64_BTI_KERNEL', 'y')]
l += [OR(KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'defconfig', 'HARDEN_BRANCH_PREDICTOR', 'y'),
VerCheck((5, 10)))] # HARDEN_BRANCH_PREDICTOR is enabled by default since v5.10
VersionCheck((5, 10)))] # HARDEN_BRANCH_PREDICTOR is enabled by default since v5.10
l += [KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'defconfig', 'ARM64_MTE', 'y')]
if arch == 'ARM':
l += [KconfigCheck('self_protection', 'defconfig', 'CPU_SW_DOMAIN_PAN', 'y')]
......@@ -567,7 +594,7 @@ def add_kconfig_checks(l, arch):
l += [KconfigCheck('cut_attack_surface', 'clipos', 'ACPI_TABLE_UPGRADE', 'is not set')] # refers to LOCKDOWN
l += [KconfigCheck('cut_attack_surface', 'clipos', 'EFI_CUSTOM_SSDT_OVERLAYS', 'is not set')]
l += [AND(KconfigCheck('cut_attack_surface', 'clipos', 'LDISC_AUTOLOAD', 'is not set'),
PresenceCheck('LDISC_AUTOLOAD', 'kconfig'))]
if arch in ('X86_64', 'X86_32'):
l += [KconfigCheck('cut_attack_surface', 'clipos', 'X86_INTEL_TSX_MODE_OFF', 'y')] # tsx=off
......@@ -607,27 +634,33 @@ def add_kconfig_checks(l, arch):
def print_unknown_options(checklist, parsed_options):
known_options = []
for opt in checklist:
if hasattr(opt, 'opts'):
for o in opt.opts:
if hasattr(o, 'name'):
for o1 in checklist:
if not hasattr(o1, 'opts'):
for o2 in o1.opts:
if not hasattr(o2, 'opts'):
if hasattr(o2, 'name'):
for o3 in o2.opts:
if hasattr(o3, 'opts'):
sys.exit('[!] ERROR: unexpected ComplexOptCheck inside {}'.format(
if hasattr(o3, 'name'):
for option, value in parsed_options.items():
if option not in known_options:
print('[?] No rule for option {} ({})'.format(option, value))
print('[?] No check for option {} ({})'.format(option, value))
def print_checklist(mode, checklist, with_results):
if mode == 'json':
opts = []
output = []
for o in checklist:
opt = ['CONFIG_', o.type, o.expected, o.decision, o.reason]
if with_results:
# table header
......@@ -670,27 +703,37 @@ def print_checklist(mode, checklist, with_results):
print('[+] Config check is finished: \'OK\' - {}{} / \'FAIL\' - {}{}'.format(ok_count, ok_suppressed, fail_count, fail_suppressed))
def populate_opt_with_data(opt, parsed_options, kernel_version):
def populate_simple_opt_with_data(opt, data, data_type):
if hasattr(opt, 'opts'):
sys.exit('[!] ERROR: unexpected ComplexOptCheck {}: {}'.format(, vars(opt)))
if data_type not in TYPES_OF_CHECKS:
sys.exit('[!] ERROR: invalid data type "{}"'.format(data_type))
if data_type != opt.type:
if data_type == 'kconfig':
opt.state = data.get(, None)
elif data_type == 'version':
opt.ver = data
def populate_opt_with_data(opt, data, data_type):
if hasattr(opt, 'opts'):
# prepare ComplexOptCheck
for o in opt.opts:
if hasattr(o, 'opts'):
# Recursion for nested ComplexOptChecks
populate_opt_with_data(o, parsed_options, kernel_version)
if hasattr(o, 'state'):
o.state = parsed_options.get(, None)
if hasattr(o, 'ver'):
o.ver = kernel_version
# Recursion for nested ComplexOptCheck objects
populate_opt_with_data(o, data, data_type)
populate_simple_opt_with_data(o, data, data_type)
# prepare simple check, opt.state is mandatory
# The 'state' is mandatory for simple checks
if not hasattr(opt, 'state'):
sys.exit('[!] ERROR: bad simple check {}'.format(vars(opt)))
opt.state = parsed_options.get(, None)
populate_simple_opt_with_data(opt, data, data_type)
def populate_with_data(checklist, parsed_options, kernel_version):
def populate_with_data(checklist, data, data_type):
for opt in checklist:
populate_opt_with_data(opt, parsed_options, kernel_version)
populate_opt_with_data(opt, data, data_type)
def perform_checks(checklist):
......@@ -709,9 +752,9 @@ def parse_kconfig_file(parsed_options, fname):
value = None
if opt_is_on.match(line):
option, value = line[7:].split('=', 1)
option, value = line.split('=', 1)
elif opt_is_off.match(line):
option, value = line[9:].split(' ', 1)
option, value = line[2:].split(' ', 1)
if value != 'is not set':
sys.exit('[!] ERROR: bad disabled kconfig option "{}"'.format(line))
......@@ -747,7 +790,7 @@ def main():
if args.mode:
mode = args.mode
if mode != 'json':
print("[+] Special report mode: {}".format(mode))
print('[+] Special report mode: {}'.format(mode))
config_checklist = []
......@@ -773,7 +816,8 @@ def main():
# populate the checklist with the parsed kconfig data
parsed_kconfig_options = OrderedDict()
parse_kconfig_file(parsed_kconfig_options, args.config)
populate_with_data(config_checklist, parsed_kconfig_options, kernel_version)
populate_with_data(config_checklist, parsed_kconfig_options, 'kconfig')
populate_with_data(config_checklist, kernel_version, 'version')
# now everything is ready for performing the checks
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