Commit 8cf69d6f by dorp

added bunch of unit tests

parent 20910cc8
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ GENERIC_TEMPLATE = 'generic.tex'
def byte_number_filter(number, verbose=True):
if isinstance(number, (int, float)):
if verbose:
return '{} ({})'.format(human_readable_file_size(int(number)), format(number, ',d') + ' bytes')
return '{} ({})'.format(human_readable_file_size(int(number)), format(number, ',d') + ' Byte')
return human_readable_file_size(int(number))
return 'not available'
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ def nice_unix_time(unix_time_stamp):
if isinstance(unix_time_stamp, (int, float)):
tmp = localtime(unix_time_stamp)
return strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', tmp)
return unix_time_stamp
return 'not available'
def nice_number_filter(number):
......@@ -33,9 +33,12 @@ def nice_number_filter(number):
return '{:,}'.format(number)
if isinstance(number, float):
return '{:,.2f}'.format(number)
if number is None:
if isinstance(number, str):
return str(int(number))
except ValueError:
return 'not available'
return number
def filter_latex_special_chars(data):
......@@ -65,42 +68,33 @@ def filter_latex_special_chars(data):
return data
def count_elements_in_list(ls):
return len(ls)
def convert_base64_to_png_filter(base64_string, filename, directory):
file_path = Path(directory, filename + '.png')
return str(file_path)
def check_if_list_empty(list_of_strings):
return list_of_strings if list_of_strings else ['list is empty']
def filter_chars_in_list(list_of_strings):
return [
filter_latex_special_chars(item) for item in list_of_strings
def split_hash(hash_value):
if len(hash_value) > 61:
hash_value = hash_value[:61] + ' ' + hash_value[61:]
def split_hash(hash_value, max_length=61):
if len(hash_value) > max_length:
hash_value = '{} {}'.format(hash_value[:max_length], hash_value[max_length:])
return hash_value
def split_output_lines(output_value):
splited_lines = output_value.splitlines()
def split_output_lines(output_value, max_length=92):
lines = output_value.splitlines(keepends=True)
output = ''
for line in splited_lines:
line_length = len(line)
# word_lengths.append(list(map(len, line.split(' '))))
if line_length > 92:
line = line[:92] + ' ' + line[92:]
output += line + '\n'
for line in lines:
if len(line) > max_length:
line = '{} {}'.format(line[:max_length], line[max_length:])
output += line
return output
......@@ -128,9 +122,9 @@ def _add_filters_to_jinja(environment):
environment.filters['nice_unix_time'] = nice_unix_time
environment.filters['nice_number'] = nice_number_filter
environment.filters['filter_chars'] = filter_latex_special_chars
environment.filters['elements_count'] = count_elements_in_list
environment.filters['elements_count'] = len
environment.filters['base64_to_png'] = convert_base64_to_png_filter
environment.filters['check_list'] = check_if_list_empty
environment.filters['check_list'] = lambda x: x if x else ['list is empty']
environment.filters['filter_list'] = filter_chars_in_list
environment.filters['split_hash'] = split_hash
environment.filters['split_output_lines'] = split_output_lines
from pathlib import Path
from pdf_generator.tex_generation.template_engine import (
byte_number_filter, convert_base64_to_png_filter, nice_number_filter, nice_unix_time, split_hash, split_output_lines
def test_byte_number_filter():
assert byte_number_filter(None) == 'not available'
assert byte_number_filter(12, verbose=False) == '12.00 Byte'
assert byte_number_filter(128000) == '125.00 KiB (128,000 Byte)'
assert byte_number_filter(128000, verbose=False) == '125.00 KiB'
def test_nice_number_filter():
assert nice_number_filter(None) == 'not available'
assert nice_number_filter('no int') == 'not available'
assert nice_number_filter(12) == '12'
assert nice_number_filter(12.1) == '12.10'
assert nice_number_filter(12.101) == '12.10'
assert nice_number_filter(12.109) == '12.11'
assert nice_number_filter('12') == '12'
def test_nice_unix_time():
assert nice_unix_time(None) == 'not available'
assert nice_unix_time(10) == '1970-01-01 01:00:10'
def test_split_hash():
assert split_hash('X' * 62) == '{} X'.format('X' * 61)
assert split_hash('X' * 61) == 'X' * 61
def test_split_output_lines():
assert split_output_lines('X\nX') == 'X\nX'
assert split_output_lines('{}\nX'.format('X' * 93)) == '{} X\nX'.format('X' * 92)
def test_convert_base64_to_png_filter(tmpdir):
convert_base64_to_png_filter('0000', 'testfile', str(tmpdir))
assert Path(str(tmpdir), 'testfile.png').read_bytes() == b'\xd3\x4d\x34'
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