Unverified Commit af37d36e by Enkelmann Committed by GitHub

Enable more acceptance checks (#99)

parent cd7ba4cf
......@@ -174,13 +174,21 @@ mod tests {
let mut error_log = Vec::new();
let mut tests = all_test_cases("cwe_415", "Memory");
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "mips64"); // TODO: Check reason for failure!
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "mips64el"); // TODO: Check reason for failure!
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "mips"); // TODO: Check reason for failure!
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "mipsel"); // TODO: Check reason for failure!
// Ghidra does not recognize all extern function calls in the disassembly step for MIPS.
// Needs own control flow graph analysis to be fixed.
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "mips64");
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "mips64el");
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "mips");
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "mipsel");
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "ppc64"); // Ghidra generates mangled function names here for some reason.
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "ppc64le"); // Ghidra generates mangled function names here for some reason.
mark_skipped(&mut tests, "x86", "gcc"); // TODO: Check reason for failure!
// The analysis loses track of the stack pointer offset in the main() function
// because of a "INT_AND ESP 0xfffffff0" instruction.
// We would need knowledge about alignment guarantees for the stack pointer at the start of main() to fix this.
mark_skipped(&mut tests, "x86", "gcc");
mark_compiler_skipped(&mut tests, "mingw32-gcc"); // TODO: Check reason for failure!
for test_case in tests {
......@@ -201,13 +209,21 @@ mod tests {
let mut error_log = Vec::new();
let mut tests = all_test_cases("cwe_416", "Memory");
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "mips64"); // TODO: Check reason for failure!
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "mips64el"); // TODO: Check reason for failure!
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "mips"); // TODO: Check reason for failure!
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "mipsel"); // TODO: Check reason for failure!
// Ghidra does not recognize all extern function calls in the disassembly step for MIPS.
// Needs own control flow graph analysis to be fixed.
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "mips64");
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "mips64el");
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "mips");
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "mipsel");
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "ppc64"); // Ghidra generates mangled function names here for some reason.
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "ppc64le"); // Ghidra generates mangled function names here for some reason.
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "x86"); // TODO: Check reason for failure!
// The analysis loses track of the stack pointer offset in the main() function
// because of a "INT_AND ESP 0xfffffff0" instruction.
// We would need knowledge about alignment guarantees for the stack pointer at the start of main() to fix this.
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "x86");
mark_compiler_skipped(&mut tests, "mingw32-gcc"); // TODO: Check reason for failure!
for test_case in tests {
......@@ -229,8 +245,6 @@ mod tests {
let mut tests = linux_test_cases("cwe_560", "CWE560");
mark_skipped(&mut tests, "arm", "gcc"); // The parameter is loaded from global memory (which is not supported yet)
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "mips64"); // TODO: Check reason for failure!
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "mips64el"); // TODO: Check reason for failure!
mark_skipped(&mut tests, "mips", "gcc"); // The parameter is loaded from global memory (which is not supported yet)
mark_skipped(&mut tests, "mipsel", "gcc"); // The parameter is loaded from global memory (which is not supported yet)
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "ppc64"); // Ghidra generates mangled function names here for some reason.
......@@ -254,10 +268,6 @@ mod tests {
let mut error_log = Vec::new();
let mut tests = all_test_cases("cwe_676", "CWE676");
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "mips64"); // TODO: Check reason for failure!
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "mips64el"); // TODO: Check reason for failure!
mark_skipped(&mut tests, "mips", "gcc"); // TODO: Check reason for failure!
mark_skipped(&mut tests, "mipsel", "gcc"); // TODO: Check reason for failure!
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "ppc64"); // Ghidra generates mangled function names here for some reason.
mark_architecture_skipped(&mut tests, "ppc64le"); // Ghidra generates mangled function names here for some reason.
mark_compiler_skipped(&mut tests, "mingw32-gcc"); // TODO: Check reason for failure!
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