Unverified Commit 05c371dc by Enkelmann Committed by GitHub

Switch default backend to Ghidra (#128)

parent 441362b5
......@@ -39,3 +39,13 @@ jobs:
command: test
args: --no-fail-fast -p acceptance_tests_ghidra -- --show-output --ignored --test-threads 1
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Build the docker image
run: docker build -t cwe_checker .
- name: Check functionality of the image
run: docker run --rm cwe_checker /bin/echo | grep -q CWE676
\ No newline at end of file
- Switched default backend to Ghidra (PR #128)
0.4 (2021-01)
FROM fkiecad/cwe_checker_travis_docker_image:bap
FROM rust:1.49 AS builder
COPY . /home/cwe/cwe_checker/
WORKDIR /cwe_checker
RUN sudo chown -R cwe:cwe /home/cwe/cwe_checker \
&& cd /home/cwe/cwe_checker \
&& make all \
&& cargo clean \
&& dune clean
COPY . .
RUN cargo build --release
WORKDIR /home/cwe/cwe_checker
FROM phusion/baseimage:18.04-1.0.0 as runtime
ENTRYPOINT ["opam", "config", "exec", "--"]
CMD cwe_checker /tmp/input
RUN apt-get -y update \
&& install_clean sudo \
&& useradd -m cwe \
&& echo "cwe:cwe" | chpasswd \
&& adduser cwe sudo \
&& sed -i.bkp -e 's/%sudo\s\+ALL=(ALL\(:ALL\)\?)\s\+ALL/%sudo ALL=NOPASSWD:ALL/g' /etc/sudoers
USER cwe
WORKDIR /home/cwe
ENV PATH="/home/cwe/.cargo/bin/:${PATH}"
# Install Ghidra
RUN sudo apt-get -y update \
&& sudo install_clean \
curl \
unzip \
openjdk-11-jdk \
&& curl -fSL https://www.ghidra-sre.org/ghidra_9.2.1_PUBLIC_20201215.zip -o ghidra.zip \
&& unzip -q ghidra.zip \
&& sudo mv ghidra_${GHIDRA_VERSION} /opt/ghidra \
&& rm ghidra.zip
# Install all necessary files from the builder stage
COPY --from=builder /cwe_checker/target/release/cwe_checker /home/cwe/cwe_checker
COPY --from=builder /cwe_checker/src/config.json /home/cwe/.config/cwe_checker/config.json
COPY --from=builder /cwe_checker/ghidra/p_code_extractor /home/cwe/.local/share/cwe_checker/ghidra/p_code_extractor
RUN echo "{ \"ghidra_path\": \"/opt/ghidra\" }" | sudo tee /home/cwe/.config/cwe_checker/ghidra.json
ENTRYPOINT ["/home/cwe/cwe_checker"]
......@@ -3,14 +3,22 @@ GHIDRA_PATH =
.PHONY: all clean test uninstall docker
cargo build --release
mkdir -p ${HOME}/.config/cwe_checker
cp src/config.json ${HOME}/.config/cwe_checker/config.json
cargo install --path caller --locked
echo "{ \"ghidra_path\": \"${GHIDRA_PATH}\" }" > ${HOME}/.config/cwe_checker/ghidra.json
mkdir -p ${HOME}/.local/share/cwe_checker
cp -r ghidra ${HOME}/.local/share/cwe_checker/ghidra
echo "GHIDRA_PATH not specified. Please set it to the path to your local Ghidra installation."
cargo build --release
mkdir -p ${HOME}/.config/cwe_checker
cp src/config.json ${HOME}/.config/cwe_checker/config.json
cp target/release/libcwe_checker_rs.a src/libcwe_checker_rs.a
cp target/release/libcwe_checker_rs.so src/dllcwe_checker_rs.so
dune build
......@@ -20,7 +28,6 @@ else
cd plugins/cwe_checker_type_inference && make all
cd plugins/cwe_checker_type_inference_print && make all
cd plugins/cwe_checker_pointer_inference_debug && make all
cargo test
......@@ -69,8 +76,8 @@ uninstall:
cd plugins/cwe_checker_pointer_inference_debug; make uninstall; cd ../..
dune build @doc
cp -r _build/default/_doc/_html doc/html
cargo doc --open
make clean
docker build -t cwe_checker .
FROM fkiecad/cwe_checker_travis_docker_image:ghidra
FROM fkiecad/cwe_checker_travis_docker_image:bap
COPY . /home/cwe/cwe_checker/
RUN sudo chown -R cwe:cwe /home/cwe/cwe_checker \
&& cd /home/cwe/cwe_checker \
&& make all GHIDRA_PATH=/home/cwe/ghidra \
&& cargo clean
&& make with_bap_backend \
&& cargo clean \
&& dune clean
WORKDIR /home/cwe/cwe_checker
# ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
ENTRYPOINT ["opam", "config", "exec", "--"]
CMD cwe_checker /tmp/input
name = "cwe_checker"
version = "0.4.0"
version = "0.5.0-dev"
authors = ["Enkelmann <nils-edvin.enkelmann@fkie.fraunhofer.de>"]
edition = "2018"
......@@ -34,10 +34,6 @@ struct CmdlineArgs {
#[structopt(long, short)]
quiet: bool,
/// Checks if there is a path from an input function to a CWE hit.
check_path: bool,
/// Prints out the version numbers of all known modules.
module_versions: bool,
......@@ -86,9 +82,6 @@ fn build_bap_command(args: &CmdlineArgs) -> Command {
if args.quiet {
if args.check_path {
if args.module_versions {
......@@ -119,10 +112,6 @@ fn run_with_ghidra(args: CmdlineArgs) {
if args.check_path {
panic!("Check-path module not yet implemented for the Ghidra backend");
// Get the configuration file
let config: serde_json::Value = if let Some(config_path) = args.config {
let file = std::io::BufReader::new(std::fs::File::open(config_path).unwrap());
name = "cwe_checker_rs"
version = "0.4.0"
version = "0.5.0-dev"
authors = ["Nils-Edvin Enkelmann <nils-edvin.enkelmann@fkie.fraunhofer.de>"]
edition = "2018"
# Import the results of the cwe_checker as bookmarks and comments into Ghidra.
# Usage:
# - Run the cwe_checker on a binary and save its output as a json file.
# - Copy this file into the Ghidra scripts folder
# - Run the cwe_checker on a binary and save its output as a json file, e.g. with
# "cwe_checker BINARY --json --out output.json"
# - Open the binary in Ghidra and run this file as a script. Select the generated json file when prompted.
import json
from ghidra.app.util.opinion import ElfLoader
def bookmark_cwe(ghidra_address, text):
......@@ -42,29 +42,12 @@ def get_cwe_checker_output():
return json.load(json_file)
def compute_ghidra_address(address_string):
fixed_address_string = address_string.replace(':32u', '').replace(':64u', '')
address_int = int(fixed_address_string, 16)
# Ghidra sometimes adds an offset to all addresses.
# try for ELF-files
offset = currentProgram.getMinAddress().getOffset() - int(ElfLoader.getElfOriginalImageBase(currentProgram))
return currentProgram.getAddressFactory().getAddress(fixed_address_string).add(offset)
# the file is probably not an ELF file, so we use a workaround that should work in most cases.
if address_int < currentProgram.getMinAddress().getOffset():
return currentProgram.getMinAddress().add(address_int)
return currentProgram.getAddressFactory().getAddress(fixed_address_string)
def main():
Annotate cwe_checker results (including check_path paths) in Ghidra as end-of-line
Annotate cwe_checker results in Ghidra as end-of-line
comments and bookmarks to the corresponding addresses.
cwe_checker_output = get_cwe_checker_output()
warnings = cwe_checker_output['warnings']
warnings = get_cwe_checker_output()
for warning in warnings:
if len(warning['addresses']) == 0:
cwe_text = '[' + warning['name'] + '] ' + warning['description']
......@@ -72,16 +55,9 @@ def main():
bookmark_cwe(ghidra_address, cwe_text)
comment_cwe_pre(ghidra_address, cwe_text)
for address_string in warning['addresses']:
ghidra_address = compute_ghidra_address(address_string)
address_string = warning['addresses'][0]
ghidra_address = currentProgram.getAddressFactory().getAddress(address_string)
bookmark_cwe(ghidra_address, warning['description'])
comment_cwe_eol(ghidra_address, warning['description'])
if 'check_path' in cwe_checker_output:
for check_path in cwe_checker_output['check_path']:
ghidra_address = compute_ghidra_address(check_path['source_addr'])
check_path_string = 'Path to CWE at ' + check_path['destination_addr'] + ': ' + check_path['path_str']
bookmark_cwe(ghidra_address, check_path_string)
comment_cwe_eol(ghidra_address, check_path_string)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Cleaning up"
make clean
echo "Building docker container"
docker build --build-arg=http{,s}_proxy --build-arg=HTTP{,S}_PROXY -t cwe-checker .
exit 0
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