Commit 4e37bb36 by fwkz

Introducing intelligent tab completion for setg/unsetg commands

parent 0ad33dc2
......@@ -248,7 +248,10 @@ class RoutersploitInterpreter(BaseInterpreter):
:return: list of most accurate command suggestions
if self.current_module:
return ['run', 'back', 'set ', 'show ', 'check', 'exec', 'help', 'exit']
module_commands = ['run', 'back', 'set ', 'setg ', 'show ', 'check', 'exec ', 'help', 'exit']
if GLOBAL_OPTS.keys():
return itertools.chain(module_commands, ('unsetg',))
return module_commands
return ['use ', 'exec', 'help', 'exit']
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